Annual Global Shidduch Bake 2021 – 5781; This Erev Shabbos Nachamu

We are excited to announce the 7th annual Challah Bake International – Chamisha Assar b’Av Shidduch Bake!

In the times of the Beis ha’Mikdosh, Chamisha Assar b’Av marked a day of joy and happiness for the Jewish people. The gemorah tells us that each year, coinciding with the onset of the grape harvest, the unmarried women of Yerushalayim would dress in white and dance in the vineyards outside the city where eligible bachelors could go to find their wives.

This custom had a special underlying theme of Jewish unity and an achdus that transcended wealth or station. Before the day’s festivities, the women would borrow the white clothing from one another to ensure everyone could participate and prevent embarrassment to those who could not afford them. This would allow all women from all backgrounds to enjoy the day and pursue a husband with whom they could build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel.

As a way of tapping into and celebrating these historic traditions of simcha, shidduchim, and unity, Challah Bake international (CBI) will be holding its seventh annual challah bake! This year we anticipate that over 2000 Jewish women from across the world, representing all walks of life, will gather (virtually of course) to bake challah in their own homes, be inspired, and daven for our singles to find their ba’sherts. Anyone who has joined this challah bake in previous years has experienced the electric energy as thousands of women recite hundreds of names with a prayer in their hearts and dough on their hands!

If you haven’t signed up yet, JOIN NOW (link below)

This year we are proud to announce the CBI is being officially endorsed by the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) and joined by The Chabad Shluchim office.  We are grateful to be recognized by these important institutions and will strive to exceed our past successes reaching even more women this time around!

As we turn the page on a particularly challenging year, we hope to channel the kavonos and bakashos of our collective tefilos and draw forth revealed brachos and simcha for our families and communities. Let no single be left behind as we beseech the Aibishter to split the shidduch Yam Suf and bring all the zivugim together without delay! May they all be blessed to build a בישראל נאמן בית and see braches והנגלה הנראה בטוב !


Challah Bake International forms What’s app groups of 100 women and the names of their submitted “singles” are read by each woman in that group when challah is taken in their own homes. At the same time, each woman gives tzedokah and takes on a hachlota to light candles or to motivate at least one other woman to light Shabbos candles. To boost the power of this moment, we suggest that to complete the circle of the 3 mitzvahs, women learn more about the Mikvah or donate to a mikvah of their choice – this is a segulah for our singles to marry soon and fulfill the sacred mitzvah of Taharas Ha’Mishpacha – Family Purity.


 You and your group can join individually or you, as a leader of a group can sign-up and represent the women at your event baking challah.


In the spirit of Tzeddakah, Tefillah and Torah, the participants will be watching an uplifting video with a message from renowned speaker and educator, Mrs. Menucha Schochet, , California, USA.

Those who sign up early will receive a daily inspirational Torah thought from the desks of:

Mrs. Batsheva Segal – Berlin, Germany;
Mrs. Hindel Swerdlov- Jerusalem, Israel;
Mrs. Tzivia Grauman – Johannesburg, South Africa; Mimi Liberow – Porto Alegre, Brazil;
Mrs. Mushky Feldman – Reykjavík, Iceland;
Mrs. Zelda Vogel – West London/Ealing, U.K.;
Mrs. Chaya Gourarie – Sidney, Australia;
Mrs. Chana Perman – Toronto, Canada; and
Mrs. Dina Brawer – Crown Heights, USA

The testimonials and pictures from people who participated in last year’s event were truly heart-warming and inspirational, and came pouring in with love and appreciation, and a feeling of having been part of a holy experience.

This is your chance to experience that same feeling!


May all our efforts, tefilos and ma’asim tovim be counted and answered l’tova b’korov!

For more information on how to join the CHALLAH BAKE or if you would like to join the group of women going to the OHEL the day of the event please visit: or email: [email protected]

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