Flatbush Community Hit With Third Large Burglary This Summer

The NYPD is investigating after a third home in the Flatbush community was hit with a large burglary this summer.

Sources tell YWN that all three burglaries have many similarities, and Detectives are looking into the possibility that all three were carried out by the same team. Additionally, there is a possibility that the homes were specifically targeted.

In all three incidents, the burglars entered the property through a back yard – coming from the street behind the home. They all climbed to the second floor, and all only went into the master bedrooms, where a safe had been. In one incident, a safe was forced open using tools, and in the other two, a safe was taken from the home.

Flatbush Shomrim is working with the NYPD, and assisting them in securing security camera footage from multiple nearby homes.

YWN encourages our readers to make sure that your jewelry is appraised and itemized on your home insurance policies. If it is not, and you are the victim of a burglary, you will likely not receive any money for your stolen jewelry.

A police official remarked to YWN that some homes cost millions of dollars to build, but they do not have a working camera on their premises. “Some homes have cameras, but not in the back yards or driveways. The cameras in many homes do not work, and if the homeowners are the victim of a crime, they regret not making sure that their homes have working cameras, recording 24/7”.

The NYPD and Flatbush Shomrim have both increased their patrols in the neighborhood. If you see anything suspicious, please call 911 and then the Flatbush Shomrim 24 hour emergency hotline at 718-338-9797.

Flatbush Shomrim reminds everyone of the following security tips:

1. Leave lights on in your home – preferably on a timer. Most burglars look for a darkened residence to enter since this tells them that everyone is asleep or that the home is not occupied.

2. Lock all of your windows. Most burglars make entry through unlocked windows.

3. Lock all the doors to your house as well as your car doors.

4. Do not leave valuables in plain sight either in your vehicle or in your home.

5. Do not allow newspapers or mail to accumulate. Have a neighbor collect them for you or put a temporary stop on the deliveries.

6. Leave a contact number with a neighbor in case of an emergency.

7. Install alarms and security cameras.

8. Make sure your driveways and yards are well lit. They are a great deterrent.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. What defines a “large” burglary, as opposed to a small burglary? How can you measure the losses involved on yenims cheshbon?

  2. Many years ago I was the victim of a burglary. One recommendation made to me was not to leave valuables in the bedroom which is an obvious place to find them. Hide them in an unusual location like in the bathroom.

  3. Shocking advice 100% effective: buy “fake” jewelry, give the funds to tzedaka. Pro level: live in modest homes that aren’t burgler magnets, spend the savings on tons of mitzvah and chullin alternatives.

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