NYC Traffic Agents to Start Writing Tickets For Blocking The Box

inter box1.jpgNY – City & State officials are looking to crack-down on drivers who sit the middle of an intersection.

It’s already illegal to “block the box” – but currently, only police officers are allowed to hand out tickets. However, today the State Senate and Assembly passed legislation that increases enforcement by giving traffic enforcement agents the right to ticket drivers, as well. They also want to double fines. Governor David Paterson is expected to sign the bill into law.

Speaker Sheldon Silver issued the following statement regarding the new legislation approved today to allow NYC Traffic Agents to write tickets for “Blocking The Box”:

“‘Blocking the box’ is a serious traffic problem is New York City and can lead to widespread traffic jams that force cars to idle longer and generate more air pollution. This legislation classifies blocking the box as a parking violation and will make it easier to sanction violators, because the city’s 2800 traffic enforcement agents will be able to write tickets for this offense. Now that it has been approved by the Assembly and the Senate, I urge Governor Paterson to sign this legislation. I also want to thank Assembly Member Brian Kavanagh, the Assembly sponsor of the legislation.” 

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

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