Agudath Israel Applauds The Senate Homeland Security Committee For Approving The Pray Safe Act

(Photo Credits: DavidCohen156/shutterstock)

Agudath Israel of America is applauding the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), for approving, earlier today, the bipartisan Pray Safe Act, introduced by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH). This act, if it becomes law, will direct federal agencies to collect, and help faith-based organizations and houses of worship to access, information on best practices, federal grants, and training programs to better safeguard and secure their religious facilities.

“One of the most effective ways of protecting houses of worship and other faith-based institutions is in the gathering of as much information as possible and in learning from the experiences of others,” said Rabbi Abba Cohen, vice president for government affairs and Washington director of Agudath Israel of America.

“With these valuable tools in hand, religious communities can devise plans and strategies that will best utilize equipment, personnel, procedures, and other mechanisms to better secure our facilities. Agency coordination on the federal level and the creation of an information clearinghouse will go far in achieving this vital lifesaving goal,” he continued.

“We commend the Senate HSGAC for approving the Pray Safe Act and pledge our support and our commitment to continue working to have this legislation enacted.”

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