New Jersey: Statewide Task Force Finds Violations at Gas Stations

gas puump.jpgWeights and Measures inspectors checking gas stations in all 21 New Jersey counties have found more than 300 alleged violations, including pricing discrepancies, inaccurate octane ratings and inaccurate or out-of-tolerance equipment, Attorney General Anne Milgram and Consumer Affairs Director David Szuchman announced.

More than 1,000 gas stations were inspected at the end of May through a coordinated effort involving county and state Weights and Measures personnel.

“Consumers deserve to get what they pay for, especially when they are paying record-setting prices for gasoline,” Attorney General Anne Milgram said. “We cannot control the price of gasoline but we can, and we are, upholding our laws and regulations regarding the sale of motor fuels.”

The 350 violations found at the 1,023 stations inspected include the following:

*Meters out of tolerance (more than 6 cubic inches) 62 violations
*Station registration not available 47 violations
*Per-gallon prices different on each side of the pump 46 violations
*Fuel grade not posted (octane rating label) 37 violations
*Price-per-gallon on dispenser non-compliant 36 violations
*Service station fuel brand not posted 30 violations
*Inaccurate octane rating 26 violations
*Inaccurate total sale price calculation 19 violations
*Per-gallon prices not posted on pump 15 violations
*Multiple price changes in a 24-hour period 14 violations
*Documents not available 14 violations
*5-gallon test measure requirements (no device) 02 violations
*Credit card receipts missing information 02 violations

The counties will process these violations and local Weights and Measures officials joined with Attorney General Milgram at today’s press conference at Essex Green Sunoco in West Orange. The gas station, which has a history of being in compliance with state laws and regulations, was undergoing its annual inspection.

“Let the word go out loud and clear – we have no tolerance for any gas station operator who tries to scam motorists who are already struggling with record gas prices,” Consumer Affairs Director Szuchman said.

Dealer who violate per-gallon pricing requirements face a civil penalty of up to $1,500 for the first offense and up to $3,000 for any subsequent offense. A violation of the Consumer Fraud Act carries an initial violation of up to $10,000 and up to $20,000 for any subsequent violation.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. is it violation for that frum owned gas station on rt 9 to consistently charge 10-15 cents more than other gas stations right around him?

  2. Well I was in Jersy the other day buying gas on the US Rt. 130 southbound in Deans NJ when I saw a station cheaper than the one a across the street. When I pulled in I noticed a sm. sign stating a much higher price for card holders. I’m wondering if that was legal.

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