Hatzolah Of Rockaway Lawrence Honors NYPD at Annual BBQ

YW-RL Hatz NYPD BBQ-013.jpg(Click HERE for photos) This past Tuesday afternoon was Rockaway/Lawrence Hatzolah’s 5th Annual BBQ – honoring the NYPD. Honored by Hatzolah this year were Lt. Gary Messina (101 Precinct), Lt. Paul Bazin (Queens Central Booking), Sgt. Brian Stamm (100 Precinct), and Det. Laurie Harnisch (PBQS).

The event was coordinated by Alex Wercberger – an NYPD liaison for that area.

Attending the event were close to two hundred Hatzolah members, police chiefs, Lieutenant’s, Sergeants, Detectives, & Community Affairs Officers from PBQS, 100th Pct, 101st Pct, Transit D23, Anti-Crime, QSTF, Queens Central-Booking, Highway Patrol, Mounted Unit, and ESU.

The BBQ was held at the Hatzolah headquarters on Beach 9th Street, in Far Rockaway NY.

These annual BBQ’s and constant meetings between Hatzolah and the NYPD, ensure that Hatzolah operates as efficient as they can in their life-saving mission.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / Photo Credits: Tzemach Glenn)

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