Maintaining Your Mental Health in 2021

Brain medicine mental health care concept as hands holding an open pill capsule releasing gears to a human head made of machine cog wheels as a symbol for the pharmaceutical science of neurology and the treatment of psychological illness.

In 2021, more and more people are finally acknowledging the importance of taking care of our mental health. It’s been long overlooked and written off as something that was either irrelevant or imaginary which has only worsened the stigma around mental illnesses.

Whether you only experience some mild issues with your emotions or are diagnosed with mental illnesses, it’s important for everyone to perform some mental health first aid on themselves from time to time.

2020 was a tough year for everyone. Everyone went through a pretty traumatic event universally and it forced us to recognize that nobody can put on a brave face 100% of the time. This year, we should give ourselves some grace and work actively to maintain our mental health.

Here’s how you can maintain your mental health in 2021.

Get Professional Mental Health Care

First and foremost, if you’re experiencing severe or persistent symptoms of anxiety, depression, or stress, it’s important to seek out professional help. A counselor or psychiatrist can get you the coping skills you need, help create a plan of action for you to tackle your mental health concerns, and prescribe medication when necessary.

Unfortunately, therapy can become expensive pretty quickly. For that reason, many people will avoid seeking professional help altogether, because the financial hardship could even worsen their mental health symptoms.

Nobody should be unable to get professional help because they can’t afford it. Using a site like YANA is a great way to get access to the help that you need. They have the resources  that you need to get matched up with a professional counselor and get the help that you need in a timely manner. They also offer free videos and articles that can help you learn more about coping strategies that you can use yourself.

Try Meditation to Clear Your Mind and Get Better Rest

A great method of clearing your mind and soothing your anxieties is trying out meditation. Though this can seem initially outlandish to some, it has proven benefits on increasing the wellbeing of many individuals suffering from anything from occasional stress to severe anxiety.

It can be difficult and even seem impossible to those of us with racing thoughts at first, but with practice, it can become a wonderful tool to have on your toolbelt for regular relaxation and relief from anxiety.

If you’re not sure if meditation is for you, it can’t hurt to try it out a few times. The best place to start is using a simple meditation app to help you begin your journey.

Using a Meditation App for Guided Meditation to Help Sleep

It seems like today there’s an app for just about everything, and meditation is no different. 

Some great apps for meditation offer a wide variety of meditation experiences so that you can find one that’s perfect for you. They offer some guided meditation options with imaginary exercises to soothe your mind narrated by different voice actors, some of which you’ve already heard of before.

They also offer things like visual meditations and short stories to help lull you into sleep at the end of the day. Since mental health issues are notorious for causing sleep disturbances, this can be a lifesaver for those of us whose mental health keeps us up at night.

Relieve the Physical Effects of Stress 

What many people tend to overlook when it comes to mental health distress are the physical effects that it has on your health. Anxiety and depression can cause things like tight muscles, a weakened immune system, weight gain, and regular fatigue. 

Many people find it helpful to work from the outside in to help relieve their body of the effects of stress. Here are some ways that you can incorporate this into your daily de-stressing practice.

Stretch It Out

One of the simplest and easiest ways to relieve tight muscles caused by anxiety is to take the time to stretch your muscles out. You can do this through yoga or just by following easy stretching exercise videos found on the internet.

The neck and shoulders is a common place for mental health-related tension to arise. Doing stretches that focus on releasing these muscles are a great place to start if you’re new to this practice. Just make sure to go slow so that you avoid the risk of injury.

Try Using a Massage Gun for Targeted Relief

If stretching doesn’t sound like it’s really your thing, or if you want more targeted relief, you may be wondering how to relax your muscles. That’s where the relatively new contraption, the massage gun, comes into play.

Massage guns were once reserved for only elite athletes but have recently made their way onto a more mainstream market. Today, you can get the powerful release of a massage gun right from the comfort of your own home. In a matter of seconds, they provide percussive therapy deep into the muscle tissue. This increases blood flow and stimulates the muscle fibers to release and spread apart, getting rid of pesky muscle knots and helping your muscles heal themselves faster.

Exercise Self Care 

Self care is a term we’ve heard thrown out quite a bit recently. What we may think of when we first hear this term is a face mask or a hot bath, but there are more small ways to practice self care in your everyday routine.

These are some of the simplest ways that you can take better care of yourself in your day-to-day to improve your mental health and feel better about yourself.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is way more important to our health than we give it credit for. Dehydration can lead to everything from tiredness, lethargy, weak muscles, poor skin health, to stress and anxiety. It can even hinder weight loss and have serious negative impacts on your body’s systems.

If you think you’re already drinking enough water, we have some bad news for you. You’re probably not. A large portion of adults don’t drink nearly enough water, which leads to a decline in health. Something as easy as drinking more water can have a surprisingly positive impact on your health, both mental and physical.

Take Care of Your Skin

Stress and anxiety can really do a number on our skin. When our skin is broken out, it can become just another stressor to add to the list, and it can even cause us some physical pain.

Incorporating a good skincare routine into your daily schedule, like one from figure 1 beauty, can be a great way to really take care of yourself. 

Do Things That Make You Happy

When our schedules become busy and overwhelming, participating in our favorite hobbies and doing things that we like just to do them are the first things we let go of. 

To maintain good mental health, it’s important to always make time for the things that you love doing. Always participate in things that make you feel alive.

You Have to Be Proactive to Maintain Your Mental Health

Mental health is something that we all must be active participants in maintaining. You have to take the time to focus on yourself and your happiness to lead a fulfilling and mentally healthful life.

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