Flatbush: Levaya of Billionaire Holocaust Survivor R’ Moshe Bistricer Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Moshe Bistricer Z”L. He was 101.

The Niftar was a Holocaust survivor, who escaped the Nazis YM”S by hiding in Budapest. He married his wife Gittel and later immigrated to the United States, settling in New York.

R’ Moshe built an extremely successful and famous real estate company.

He was a very big Baal Tzedakah, and was very close to the Satmar Rebbe (Divrei Yoel) ZATZAL, and continued his close relationship with Satmar until today.

Despite his old age, the Niftar would have an aid push him to a Shul near his home in Flatbush every Shabbos, never missing a Minyan.

He wife Gittel A”H was Niftar a few years ago, and is survived by his sons R’ Yaakov and R’ Dovid. He was predeceased by his son R’ Avrohom and daughter Mrs. Chaya Reiss A”H (wife of R’ Mahir).

The Levaya will take place on Sunday morning at 10:30AM at Shomrei Hadas Chapels located at 38th Street and 14th Avenue in Boro Park.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan HaEmes. In the future, maybe you should focus on the fact that he is a Holocaust survivor or ba’al tzedaka more than the fact that he’s a billionaire. Do you really think he wanted the first thing at his petirah announcement to be that he’s a billionare? Maybe something like “Big Baal Tzedaka, Holocaust survivor, billionaire…”

  2. The Hungarian Yidden seem to have a lot of zchusim. They survived in greater numbers and the survivors prospered in greater numbers.

  3. misleading title! a title stating billionare ploiny is wrong for a frum website. it gives the impression that being a billionaire is a toradik value , and worthy endeavor.
    the title should read levaya of big baal tzadaka ….

  4. Why does YWN have to reductively label him a “Billionaire”? He was an Ehrlicheh Yid and a big Ba’al Tzedakah. Period.

  5. Unfortunately today’s generation has its attention on money. If you write a Baal Chesed was nifter they won’t look twice. Say BILLIONAIRE and everyone looks.

  6. A bizuyun hames. – Terrible title.
    I got to know him for the past 10 years in Sasregen and I would never have known anything about money. I saw him learning with his sons and grandson. I saw him attending shiurim regularly. I saw him be michabed Rabbunim. I saw him daven vi es darf tzi zaan. I heard him quote psikim and gemurus fin osenvendig like few Roshei Yeshiva can.
    To be melamid zchis for YW, they must have copied the headline from VIN.

  7. to UJM, who said that the Hungarian Yidden “seem to have a lot of zchusim. They survived in greater numbers and the survivors prospered in greater numbers.” You are an idiot. First, you’d have to be blind and deaf and dead to think that the Hungarians were better Jews than, for example, the Litvishe or the Salonika Jews. Second, how do you think Reb Elchonon and Reb Avrohm Grodzinsky and all the tzadikim and tzidkonios that were burned and tortured and murdered would feel if you decided that this was because they were inferior to the Hungarians. But I have to admit that your point is supported by such holy and successful survivors such as George Soros.

  8. to UJM, who said that the Hungarian Yidden “seem to have a lot of zchusim. They survived in greater numbers and the survivors prospered in greater numbers.” I guess that explains George Soros. A greiser yasher koach for your insight into the Ribono shel Olam’s mind!!!!

  9. Labelling Reb Moishe Z’L first and foremost a billionaire is sad as it reinforces a bad example of what is and isn’t important in our lives. He had other very big Mailos ( Talmis Chochom, Baal Tzedokoh, Ehrliche Yid) . Very uninspiring.

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