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Ease Your Mind With These Self Care Necessities

Closeup portrait confident smiling woman holding hugging herself isolated grey wall background. Positive human emotion, facial expression, feeling, reaction, situation, attitude. Love yourself concept

Self care is one of the most important things for overall well being, and while it wasn’t always something people talked about – it is now! Self care is a big thing now-a-days and hopefully always will be.

What happens when you don’t practice self care?

The risks of negative results for not practicing self care are strong. There’s a bigger chance of having a variety of issues.

  • Breakdowns at the worst times

  • Crying

  • Yelling at the wrong person

  • Anger

  • Frustration

  • Meltdowns

  • Snapping at people who don’t deserve it

This is just to name a few things. All things no one really wants, and usually feel bad about afterward, but still. This is why practicing self care is highly important and should be high on the priority list.

What can you do for self care?

Anything. Literally, anything that makes you feel better about yourself is considered self care. Feel like kicking back with a book? Self care. Grabbing a shower when you really don’t feel like it? Self care. Washing your face? Self care. All of these things are self care. More suggestions?

Self care kit

Put together a nifty little kit of things that make you happy.

Things that can go in it:

  • Word search

  • Positive notecards

  • Face mask

  • Fuzzy socks

  • Candle

  • Scent envelope

  • Wax for wax warmer (save a special scent for the days that you really need it)

  • An old CD with your favorite songs on it (or you can just put it on a playlist from Spotify or Apple Music … either way works)

  • Your favorite book

  • Notes from friends

  • Pictures

  • A gratitude journal

Mental health self check-in

Check in on your own mental health. Make sure YOU are doing okay. If you’re not, figure out how you can make yourself feel better. You have to do it for yourself before you can worry about doing it for someone else.

Weekly journal

A weekly journal can be a big benefit to daily life. You may not have time to write in it daily, so once a week will make it easier and put less pressure on you. Stress and pressure are exactly what you’re trying to avoid, as self care is meant to relieve both, and leave you feeling relaxed and better about yourself. 

Facial masks

Facial masks are basically pulling double duty because they not only clean your face, but pampering the skin for a deep clean as well. Added bonus: it’s also self care!  When you are feeling a little down, try a mask with eucalyptus for a little boost. There are dozens of different types of masks and each assists with a different, yet specific thing. You will love the glow and smooth skin that a face mask brings. 

Be sure to also check out SolaWave Wand products for amazing at-home skincare.

Comfy Robe

Who doesn’t love sitting in their comfy robe? Robes are the best! The best part is, YOU decide what is comfortable to you. You have the typical terry cloth robe that is great right out of the shower; a jersey robe when you want something a little lighter but still warm. Or you can really splurge and go with silk or satin. Simply strip down, throw on your favorite robe, enjoy the soothing comfort and do whatever you want!


Lighting a candle can be the difference between a good day and a bad day sometimes. Honestly, it’s that special. There is a magic combination of the glow of the flame and the wonderful scent that is released with the melting wax. Play soft music to help you unwind, or simply relax in your own thoughts. Embrace the warmth and enjoy the serenity!

Plush and/or weighted blankets

Blankets can fix most things. Wrapping yourself in a blanket when you’re too stressed out can help you to calm down. Weighted blankets are especially helpful if a hug normally helps you to release stress. If there’s no one around to hug and calm you down, weighted blankets work wonders. Weighted blankets come in a variety of sizes, weights and materials. Rule of thumb is to get one that is 10% of your body weight, you will not regret it. .

Bath bombs

These wondrous balls help tremendously for bath time. Throw one in the tub, let it finish filling, and hop on in. It will add emollients and oils to soothe your skin. They also include ingredients to clean and deodorize your skin and improve your circulation. You can’t go wrong with a bath bomb when it comes to self care.

Do something that makes you happy

If you Love Sew for example, or you love going to the spa and getting face cupping done, or crocheting, dancing, singing, writing, watching a movie or television, anything you enjoy – do it. Don’t hesitate, just do it.

Manicure, pedicure, or both

Giving yourself a manicure and/or a pedicure, or going to have them done is a great way to practice self care. Mani/Pedi’s have many benefits to your self care, such as improved circulation. Moisturizing your skin helps to fight off infection since it protects the skin from cracking. Keeping your nails properly trimmed, filed and buffed improves their health too.  

Don’t forget to follow up with a massage using Massage Envy to find the best near you.

Take a bubble bath

Grab some candles, turn out the lights, and throw on some calming music. Fill up the tub, add some bath oils (or epsom salts if that’s your kicks), and hop in! Enjoy for as long as you’d like to!

Take a nap

Don’t get time for naps? Make time. Take a nap. You will be thankful for it later when you are waking up feeling better. This is especially important if you don’t regularly get eight hours of sleep at night. 

Craft something

Do some kind of crafting or creating. Sewing, crocheting, knitting, needle point, painting, you name it. Pick anything you want to craft and do it.

Hydrate … and stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep hydrated. It will leave you feeling better throughout the day. Staying hydrated is a must! We need water in our bodies to survive. Dehydration can be a very dangerous thing. Dehydration can cause lightheadedness, passing out, feeling sick, and a plethora of other issues.


Take a break from screens – all of them. No computer, cell phone, or television. Try yoga, practice mindfulness, self compassion, gratefulness, reflect on your feelings. Work to connect your mind and your body, which is great for mental health.

Say No

Sometimes, for your own well being, you have to say no. No to helping a friend move, no to fixing your brother’s computer, no to babysitting your little cousins. While we you should help people when you can, but not at the expense of your own well being. Balance is everything.


Used to connect the mind, body, and spirit, meditation is a great way to unwind and relax after a long or crappy day. Why meditate? You know those days when you come home and just need silence or everything to just stop? Meditation. That’s why. Drown it all out with silence. The stress, noise, your thoughts, other’s thoughts, everything. Just drown it out.

Family & friends, well, some of them

Spend time with your family, spouse, children, parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, work friends, school friends, the folks that moved in down the block. Do something fun together or simply share a snack and talk. Spend time with the folks that you enjoy, trust and have things in common with. Don’t bother with Uncle Lester that has been putting you down since you were six. You are building a support network and helping others to build theirs, too. 

Remember, your first priority is YOU. Without taking good care of yourself, you will be in no position to help or support anyone else. 

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