Oorah’s GirlZone: The Summer That Makes the Difference

1.gifFrom the minute GirlZone campers step off the bus, they’re in a different world. Some girls come with extra baggage – suspicion, doubt, a firm determination that camp is not  going to change them.  But they drop it quickly, because all around them, there’s nothing but warmth, enthusiasm and an inspiration-packed, fun-filled agenda.

Oorah’s goal in opening GirlZone was to give its children –  newly religious or not-yet-religious teens – a highly charged, positive immersion in Torah living. Counselors are hand-picked for their ability to connect with the girls. Senior staff members are all veteran educators and kiruv professionals.

But the girls’ goal is fun and excitement. So Oorah provides an irresistible program including zip-lines, ATVs, a gameroom, an Olympic pool, horseback riding and a full range of sports. That’s what gets the girls there.

But when asked, at the end of the summer, what they liked best, the answer is almost always: “Shabbos.” The singing and dancing sweep the girls into a new world, and often, they make the commitment to bring that world with them when they return home.  Many make some commitment to Yiddishkeit, such as dressing in a tzniusdig manner. Some decide to enroll in yeshiva. Those who are already in yeshiva suddenly understand what it’s all about – the incomparable inspiration of living every day, all day, as a Jew.

GirlZone is currently looking to fill some remaining positions, including married head staff, counselors, and doctor/nurse. If you or anyone you know might be interested, click HERE for an application.

To see photos taken at Oorah BoyZone last summer, click HERE.

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