SURFSIDE TRAGEDY: Chaim Rosenberg Z”L Of Flatbush Found In Rubble; Daughter & Son-In-Law Remain Missing R”L

After a grueling two weeks, the body of R’ Chaim (Harry) Rosenberg Z”L of Flatbush was found and identified in the rubble of the Surfside condo collapse. He was 52.

Chaim purchased the second-floor condo only last month, hoping that its views of the Atlantic Ocean would help him find solace after a turbulent year that saw the loss of his wife, Anna Rosenberg A”H, to cancer, and both of his parents to COVID-19.

Chaim was a longtime Mispallel at Rabbi Weinfeld’s Shul in Flatbush.

In recent months Chaim had dedicated himself towards launching Mercaz Shalom, a young adult center for mental healing, located on the campus of Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, Israel, in memory of his late wife.

His daughter, Malki Weisz, and her husband, Benny, of Lakewood, N.J., were staying with him at the time of the collapse. The Weiszes remain missing as at this time.

Arrangements are being made with Hatzolah Air and family friends to have the Niftar flown back to NY tonight for a tentative Levaya on Friday.

An in depth article of the Niftar is being worked on.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. He was a close friend of mine. I’m in shock. A big ma’amin in Hashem hatov. I will sorely miss you . it will be a hurt in my heart until we meet again. Rest in peace my friend.

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