Why Is the Vape Industry Thriving?

There is a wide variety of options for e-cigarettes. Since they come in many different sizes and shapes, it has become somewhat of a fashion trend. Due to their modern design and potentially less harmful consequences than conventional cigarettes, they are growing in popularity.

In 2019, the vape business and overall market of vape juice brands were estimated at an astounding 12.41 billion. It is expected that between the years 2021 and 2027, there will be about a 23% increase in the complete worth of this business.

The increase in demand for vapes coming from millennials is the main reason why this industry is thriving. There are, of course, other vital factors rather than the product’s popularity among the emerging generation. We’ll list all of them below.

The youngsters opt for e-cigarettes because it’s now a trend, but also because they are potentially safer. Namely, various medical studies have shown that vaping can be a much safer alternative to cigarettes with rolled tobacco.

What Are Vapes?

E-cigarettes or vapes, as most call them, are an electronic, modern imitation of the conventional cigarette. They consist of the place that holds the liquid, a heating element, and a battery that generates the heating system in the e-cigarette.

How do they work? They produce an aerosol by heating the nicotine-contained liquid. Nicotine is the addictive component in vapes, the same as in a traditional cigarette, cigar, or other tobacco product.

The user inhales the aerosol, and this process of inhaling is usually called “vaping.” The same goes for using the word “vapes” in this text, other than e-cigarettes.

Though these types of cigarettes are mostly called “vapes,” there are other popular names too. Some call them “e-cigs,” “mods,” “tank systems,” “vape pens,” or “e-hookahs.”

When it comes to their design, most are made to look like regular cigarettes. Some resemble cigars, pipes, pens, or USB sticks. There are also larger devices that do not resemble any other tobacco product. These are tank systems and are called “mods.” 

Top Reasons Why Vape Industry Is Booming

Nowadays, almost anywhere you go, you will see people who vape. We’ve chosen five top reasons why this is so.

There’s No Uncomfortable Smell

Traditional cigarettes tend to give smokers a very unpleasant smell of tobacco. Not only does this smell cling to your breath, but it also clings to your clothing.

Being around people who smoke can make you smell like a smoker. That’s why many people visit only non-smoking areas in restaurants and cafes. This calls for control of involuntary smoke exposure

Vaping is, on the contrary, odorless, which makes it much more convenient. 

It’s Cheaper

The cost of a pack of cigarettes is constantly on the rise. Full-time smokers tend to spend an impressive $400 a month on it. Vaping, on the other hand, is much cheaper every month, saving both money and health.

Surprisingly, there might be a rise in e-cigarette taxes that may lead to a pricier outcome.

It’s Better for Your Health

Many medical studies have proven the potential benefit of smoking e-cigarettes. While the traditional ones can lead to many diseases and illnesses, vapes are more moderate in that field.

It Can’t Cause Fires!

Let’s say you drop your vape somewhere or leave it unattended on the table. There is zero risk that something will get burned down due to an outburst of fire. 

Fires that were caused by a lit cigarette were reported to have caused more than 10% of all deaths.

Better Social Aspect

Millennials, mostly, tend to opt for vapes instead of cigarettes for their image. It looks better, it’s cool, and it’s popular. A better social appearance is one of the critical factors why vapes are the choice of youngsters and adults alike.

Who Uses Vapes?

For the United States, vapes are more popular among the youth than the adult population. A 2020 survey has shown that no less than 3.6 million youngsters have vaped in the month preceding the survey. This, however, is a decrease compared to 2019.

In 2019, a percentage of 4.5 adults was reported to be a user of e-cigarettes. The ratio was higher when it comes to cigarettes, giving 36.9% adults who smoked cigarettes and almost 40% who formerly smoked.

The overall percentage of vape users is higher among young people between 18 and 24 years of age (56%).  

The Wrap Up

As you’ve been introduced to the main components of a vape, along with its usage and popularity, you have a better inquiry into the world of vaping. It’s estimated that this business is bound to keep on emerging.

Unless you have already been in touch with nicotine, don’t start. But if you are already a smoker, consider switching to vapes. The main benefits of vaping listed above should help you on that road.

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