Hikind Secures Alternate Interview Date For Shomer Shabbos Constituent Applying to IRS for Employment

hikind211.jpgMr. Friedman (name changed) had contacted Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) after he was stymied by the IRS Manhattan Territory office. Apparently, he had responded to an open call for the Federal Career Intern Program in May of 2008, and was notified that his scheduled interview would take place on Shabbos. In emails and in phone conversations, Mr. Friedman requested an alternate date because as an Orthodox Jew, he could not appear for the interview, but was repeatedly informed that it would not be possible.
In a letter to IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, Hikind requested an alternate interview date to conform with Mr. Friedman’s Sabbath observance. “The laws are in place to protect religious observance in the workplace and are unambiguous in their assignment,” Hikind said.
“If you are told that an accommodation can not be made for your religion, there are remedies, and there are interventions. My office is always here to try to facilitate this type of equitable resolution. Occasionally there are glitches in the application of the law, but that is the exception, not the rule.
“The IRS commissioner is to be commended for responding expeditiously and accommodating Mr. Friedman’s observance. If you have been told that a potential employer can not accommodate your observance of Shabbos or Yom Tov, please do not hesitate to contact Dov Hikind at 718-853-9616.”

(Dov Gordon – YWN Desk)

9 Responses

  1. Boruch Hashem we have someone like Dov Hikind in Albany. But, isn’t the IRS a federal agency? Whatever happened to that good Jewish boy by the name of Senator Charles Schumer? Where is his responsibility to his constituents?

  2. They automatically reschedule a Saturday test if you present them with a letter from the rabbi of your shul.That is the way it was over 30 years ago when my classmates and I were in that stage.A civil service test,a college entrance exam ,a professional test,was always made available on an alternate date for Sabbath observers.

  3. my father told me that once, he was walking on shabat with a shomer shabat lantzman (from his town in ungvar) who worked for “mas hachnasa”. he saw a certain office openm on shabat. he mentioned to my father that he’ll check it out during the week if he’s paying taxes for the “avodat shabat”. the point was — these mas hachnasa types are constantly working — even on shabat.

    and no, he wasnt “penalizing” him for “avodat shabat”, he was just behaving like a mas hachnasa agent to find petty additional troubles for another.

    note — “mas hachnasa” equals irs in israel.

  4. They automatically reschedule a Saturday test if you present them with a letter from the rabbi of your shul.That is the way it was over 30 years ago when my classmates and I were in that stage.A civil service test,a college entrance exam ,a professional test,was always made available on an alternate date for Sabbath observers

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