WATCH: Failing Yang Desperate For Attention Pulls Race Card On Adams, Who Calls Him “Liar, Fraud”

With Election Day on Tuesday, the Democratic New York City mayoral primary is coming to an end, but not without some last minute drama between two candidates.

On Monday, Candidate Andrew Yang – who is polling in 4th place – had some nasty things to say to frontrunner Eric Adams.

Yang was taking questions from reporters and said “The last thing New York City needs is a mayor who uses race-baiting anytime he is criticized.”

Yang was also asked by veteran Hamodia reporter By Reuvain Borchardt “Is there any candidate that you don’t want your voters to rank at all?”

“Eric Adams”, Yang shot back.

Eric Adams apparently wasn’t pleased with the Yang remarks. Reuvain Borchardt from Hamodia asked Adams for his response to Yang’s saying Adams should not be ranked:

“I’m still scratching my head – what is Andrew Yang still doing in this race?” Adams replied. “We know Andrew Yang is a fraud, he’s a liar, we could care less about Andrew Yang. We are so focused on the race. That’s what we’re doing.”

Adams continued to suggest Monday that the alliance between rivals Kathryn Garcia and Andrew Yang is designed to suppress the vote of Black New Yorkers — obliquely referencing poll taxes that were once used to prevent Black voters from getting to the ballot box.

Adams repeated Monday that his competitors were tone deaf for beginning their alliance on Juneteenth, a commemoration of the end of slavery that was recently made a federal holiday.

“African Americans are very clear on voter suppression. We know about the poll tax. We know about the fight we’ve had historically, how you had to go through hurdles to vote,” Adams said. “So if [my supporters] feel based on their perception that it suppresses the vote, then I respect their feeling and it’s not for me to interpret their feelings.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. What garbage – both of them

    We will never have any decent human being running here, since no decent human being will get support from all the community leaders who are in the business of all kinds of dirty schemes

  2. I understand YWN likes Adams and that’s ok, but keep in mind that Adams was first to accuse Yang of campaigning together with Garcia for to prevent a person of color from winning, a claim which would’ve been found false in a fact check had Yang been the media darling, which he obviously isn’t.

  3. Sorry but a causing Yang of trying to suppress the Black vote is race baiting. A pox on all of these progressive race baiting tax and spend politicians.

    Yang pulled the race card? Adams said that Yang is afraid of a black mayor – Yang never hinted that. Every attack on Adams is somehow racist?

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