Agudath Israel Of America Hires Rabbi Shragi Greenbaum To Serve As Director Of Its Rockland County Regional Office

(Photo Credits: Agudath Israel of America Electronic Archive)

Agudath Israel of America is pleased to announce the opening of its Rockland County Regional Office with Rabbi Shragi Greenbaum as its director. As the frum communities in upstate New York continue to grow, new challenges arise and old challenges intensify and the need to have a someone who can put focus on Rockland County and the surrounding areas has become abundantly clear.

As director, Rabbi Greenbaum will focus on serving the needs of the many communities, neighborhoods, and villages in the area, especially regarding education, busing, and zoning, in addition to advocating on other issues that may arise. Most importantly, he will focus on strengthening and developing relationships with local governments.

As the original founder of the Agudah’s New Jersey office in 2004 and as executive director of Yeshiva of Spring Valley, his continued advocacy efforts on behalf of the community makes Rabbi Greenbaum uniquely qualified for the position. “I am honored to rejoin the Agudah and look forward to getting to work and getting things done for the community,” said Rabbi Greenbaum. “We are excited to have Rabbi Greenbaum back, and look forward to working with him to advocate on behalf of the Orthodox Jewish community in Rockland and the Hudson Valley,” added New York Government Affairs Director Rabbi Yeruchim Silber.

Rabbi Greenbaum can be reached at the Rockland County office of Agudath Israel at 845-826-5447, or by emailing [email protected].

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