NY State Police, Sheriff’s, Police Chiefs Meet With Catskills Haztolah To Map Out Summer

11.jpg(Photos Click HERE) Middletown, NY – The summer is quickly approaching. Folks are getting ready to head to the Catskills, and the New York State Police, Sheriff’s Departments, local Police Departments, Catskills Hatzolah, Misaskim, and various Askonim are hard at work to ensure a safe summer. To achieve that goal, the annual inter-agency meeting took place on Tuesday at the State Police Barracks in Middletown.

A YWN reporter was privileged to attend the usually closed-doors meeting and reports the following:

The newly-appointed NYSP Superintendent Harry Corbitt opened the meeting by saying that he made the trip to attend the meeting – solely to “listen-in”, and to get to know what happens “in the community”. He added that he has full confidence in the Majors, Captains, and Lieutenants of the NYSP to make sure that the summer runs smoothly.

Each person at the meeting was then given an opportunity to address the gathering about various issues of safety, tips, and other items which they would like to see in the summer of 2008.

Catskills Hatzolah Coordinator Boruch Gibs publicly thanked the law enforcement personal from all agencies – that thanks to these inter-agency meetings, the relationship between Hatzolah and the police is close to perfect. Recalling the summer of 2007, Mr. Gibs said Hatzolah in the Catskills responded to 500 more calls than past years – and even with that extra call volume, the cooperation from the police and local 911 was close to perfect.

Some of the items mentioned by the State Police to be publicized were that there would be zero tolerance for speeders, aggressive drivers, people without seat-belts, and talking on cell phones. They also warned people not to walk on the roadways. Also publicized was the new State Police patrol which has placed in construction zones. “The troopers are sitting in the construction zones with their radar guns, and people better be following the reduced speed-limits in those zones, or they will be getting ticketed”, Troop F Major Rasso said.

Ulster County Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum, along with the Sullivan county 911 operators, reached out to the community to please educate children what 911 is supposed to be used for. “Last summer was better, but we still get dozens of kids calling 911 to wishes a good day”, a 911 operator said.

While speaking to YWN, Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Schiff told YWN that he is anticipating a safe summer, and is looking forward to a “safe-ride” for the summer months. Along with Undersheriff Eric Schebody, their main concerns are with kids-at-risk attending “floating parties” which involve drugs, drinking, and other serious, dangerous activities. “I understated that there are organizations aggressively working to establish alternative recreational activities for these kids, the Sheriff told YWN. “I am doing whatever I can on our end to prevent a repeat of some of the unfortunate incidents which took place last summer, but my message today is directed towards the parents, and camp directors: KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE AT ALL TIMES.”

As Captain James J. Boylan of Troop F Liberty put it “we have 230,000 people coming up to the area for the summer, and I’m convinced that together we can make this the safest summer ever.”

Over and over, the assembled publicly thanked Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent for his devotion, and hard work on behalf of the greater Jewish Community

After everyone had an opportunity to speak, Superintendent Harry Corbitt said that as he had said in his opening remarks, he had nothing to add – besides that he sees tremendous cooperation between the agencies, and has full confidence in his Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and Officers. “You guys all seem to get along so well, and know the deal, it’s impressive to see”, Corbitt said.

In closing Superintendent Harry Corbitt picked up the high-gloss, safety & info magazine (2008 edition) published by the Center For Community Resources/Misaskim, and showed it to the crowd. Waving it in the air he said “I am so impressed by its content, that I am taking some back to my offices to show them these item”.

A spokesperson for the Center For Community Resources tells YWN that 120,000 copies of the brochure have been placed into the mail on Wednesday morning.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. I saw an ad in the papers that Ohr Naava in Brooklyn is renting out the bowling alley kiamesha for girls! what a brilliant idea! it’s really great to see people step up and provide our kids with a positive enviornment. thanks to the local authorities for recognizing these efforts and supporting what must be a difficult task.
    yasher koach!

  2. I also saw the ad about renting out bowling alleys exclusively for girls by Ohr Naava. Im concerened as to what married couples are supposed to do on a Saturday night if places of recreation will be turned into segregated environments? Its not fair that married people will not be able to enjoy the leisure activities such as bowling on Saturday nights due to this exclusive “rent out.”

  3. I did not read the AD, but last year the alley’s were rented out for l8r in the evening ie; after 1,2 and on a side note who says that just because you are upstate means you must do something on Motzei Shabbos?? What do you do all year?? How bout organizing a Melava Malka or something @ your bungalow colony?? maybe a nice game of scrabble with friends?

    And a big Yaasher Koach must be given to all the people involved with the kids on motzei shabbos. Notice I am not singling out names becuase it is a large group some work more quietly then others.

    And please don’t let this become a “bashing” thread.

  4. #2: the same goes for the non ‘at risk’ singles who aren’t let in these places unless they dress down to look closer to ‘at risk’.

    #3: i was there last year and they were rented out starting around 1 hour after Shabbos. They just didn’t fill up till later leaving us ‘yeshivish-looking’ kids with nothing to do.

  5. It is wonderful to see Hatzolah and the other chesed organizations that provide such necessary services to Klal Yisrael during the rest of the year cooperate so fully with the authorities in the Catskills.

    Here’s wishing everyone a gezunten zummer.

  6. daniella:don’t be so self-centered and concerned about yourself and what you will do. You will have to “sacrifice” for the benefit of Klal Yisroel.

    The heroic efforts of these selfless people who are arranging these activities should be applauded.

    Perhaps a contribution would be more appropriate.

  7. #5 Who are you to decide what “Yeshivish” is!?

    Don’t get me wrong I am not saying bowling is bad or it should be “asured” however these places are typically not your “Yeshivish” enviornments especially on a Motzei Shabbos. If you want do as my friends do, hop in the car (assuming you have a driver over 21 since The Rabbonim asered driving in the country under 21.) and take a ride down a few exits, There is a nice quiet bowling alley with plenty of lanes.

    Remember the age old saying DON”T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT”S COVER!! THESE KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO. Trust me.

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