WATCH THIS: Biden Mixes Up Syria And Libya Numerous Times In Epic Press Conference Blunder

Joe Biden repeatedly confused Syria with Libya while discussing ways of working with Russia during a G-7 press conference on Sunday.

The 78-year-old gaffe machine spoke of working with Vladimir Putin to provide economic assistance to the people of Libya, prompting some confused glances from the press pack at the G7 summit in Cornwall, England.

‘I’m hopeful that we can find an accommodation where we can save the lives of people in — for example, in — in Libya,’ the president said, mentioning the north African country for the third time instead of Syria, which is in the Middle East.

The blunder came days after he called Britain’s Royal Air Force the ‘RFA’ while addressing US military personnel at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk during his first-ever speech as President on British soil.

Mr Biden told US troops: ‘These partnerships have been hardened in the fire of war. Generations of Americans and service members fought them. Like the original Bloody Hundredth, and those RFA pilots.’

(Source: Daily Mail UK)

8 Responses

  1. Like most of your readers, I did not vote for him – but now that he is in – he is the President – and frankly – he should be treated with respect. It’s not appropriate for him to be belittled and name called. It doesn’t reflect well on us.

  2. the TRAITOROUS America hating Marxist DemonRats, hoisted on the American people a demented Alzheimer diseased old treasonous fool.

  3. So which is worse? Mixing up Libya and Syria, or mixing up winning an election and losing an election, the way Biden’s immediate predecessor does.

  4. And which is worse? Mixing up Libya and Syria, or writing a headline that says “Watch This” for an article with nothing to watch?

  5. Don’t bother taking the home trip across the Atlantic. This flight is far too long for your precarious health:- Just relax at some spa &/or sanitarium in Europe, on a permanent basis.

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