FACTS MATTER: Yang Campaign Blatantly Lies That Adams Backed Out Of NYC Mayoral Debate [SEE VIDEO OF ADAMS EXPLAINING HIMSELF]

(AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

In a message circulating on WhatsApp, a false accusation is being made by ‘anonymous’ sources alleging that Eric Adams is skipping the “last Mayoral debate” tomorrow because of an alleged shakeup of his campaign. The truth is, Adams is skipping an unofficial unsanctioned debate to be at the side of a grieving mother currently mourning the killing of her 10 year old son in Far Rockaway.

Some facts:

In the mayoral race, the first Democratic primary debate was held on May 13, broadcast by Spectrum News NY1. The second debate was held on June 2, broadcast by WABC-TV. The third debate for “leading contenders” will be on June 16, hosted by WNBC-TV. All the debates are sponsored by a coalition of groups led by the TV broadcaster. All other debates and forums are held with voluntary participation of candidates and Eric Adams, as seen in this exchange, with Marcia Kramer, respectfully explains that he had previously committed to a grieving mother in Far Rockaway to attend a vigil for her slain child.

Though the city’s campaign finance law only requires two official debates before the election, there will be three for the Democratic primary in the mayor’s race because of the vast and competitive field. The third will be a “leading contenders” debate with objective criteria determined by the sponsor organizations.

Facts matter and lies spread on WhatsApp by campaigns, surrogates or anonymous individuals do a real disservice to the community, to voters and to the truth. Don’t believe everything you read on WhatsApp. Someone is trying to spin you.

Andrew Yang is bashing Adams for choosing to participate in a vigil for a 10 year old boy shot to death in NYC, at the request of his family, over participating in a non-required debate, because Yang is desperate for some air time on TV after a massive drop in the polls.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. The most important message in this article: Don’t believe everything you read. Someone is trying to spin you.

  2. Is this a paid Adams ad? If so it should say “Sponsored content”. If not, it should be registered as a contribution in kind to the Adams campaign. What sticks out most about this ad/op-ed is that complete absence of ANY indication that the anonymous Whatsapp message cited has any connection to Yang.

  3. so finally YWN is taking a side.
    Does anyone really think that he isn’t attending the debate because during that hour he needs to comfort a family?

  4. Pretty funny that the headline for this begins “FACTS MATTER” and then without evidence attributes an anonymous message that has been circulating through WhatsApp to the Yang campaign. Of course it could be the work of the Yang campaign. Or it could be one of the other campaigns. Or it could be an unrelated shmendrik that has reasons of their own for hurting Adams. Who knows. But remember YWN, “Facts matter and lies spread on WhatsApp by campaigns, surrogates or anonymous individuals do a real disservice to the community, to voters and to the truth. Don’t believe everything you read on WhatsApp. Someone is trying to spin you.”

  5. yeah YWN what is going on with your hipocricy? Why do you use the title “Facts Matter” without researching any facts, there is no evidence that an annonymous whattsapp is connected to Yang, and you didn’t explain why Adams can’t go to the family at another time!

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