RESPECTABLE NUMBERS: Chevra Hatzalah COVID-19 Survey of Orthodox Jewish Community Show High Vaccination Rates

A new survey – sponsored by Chevra Hatzalah and conducted in late April by Nishma Research, an independent research firm – shows vaccine acceptance amongst Orthodox Jews as generally consistent with overall vaccination rates in NYC, and suggests that more education and outreach needs to be directed toward Hasidic sects. The online survey reached the Orthodox community through seven Orthodox Jewish publication lists, and received 3,666 responses, including 2,936 Haredi Jews.

Hatzalah CEO Rabbi Yehiel Kalish said, “given the transmissibility of the virus and the many community members who are elderly or otherwise at-risk, this remains a high-priority communal effort. We at Chevra Hatzalah will continue our efforts to get as many people in the community vaccinated as possible.”

• Pro-Vaccine vs. Anti-Vaccine – While the Modern Orthodox are 84% pro-vaccine and 16% anti-vaccine, and the Yeshivish are 77% pro-vaccine and 23% anti-vaccine (virtually identical to the overall U.S. population), the Hasidic are 54% pro-vaccine and 46% anti-vaccine. However, there are sharp variations across the Hasidic sects, ranging from 60% anti-vaccine to 70% pro-vaccine.

• Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness – About two-thirds of Yeshivish and Modern Orthodox respondents view the vaccines as safe and effective, while only 40% of Hasidic respondents agree. But a plurality of the Hasidic (43%) and many of the Yeshivish (28%) say they are “not sure,” suggesting that people are looking for more information.

• Reasons for Vaccine Views – The main reason why people don’t plan to get vaccinated is the uniquely high levels of past incidence of COVID, and the resulting levels of immunity. This is most apparent in the Hasidic community, where 70% report having had COVID. A secondary reason for hesitancy is worry about side effects and unease with the speed of the vaccine development. Some people have a “wait and see” attitude and about 40% of
those who are anti-vaccine say they are open to reconsidering their view as they see the results, including further knowledge on the persistence of their immunity.

Nishma Research president Mark Trencher added: “The survey response from the Haredi segments of Orthodoxy was surprisingly strong, and we very much appreciate their keen interest in sharing their views. This survey once again highlights the diversity and strength of opinions across Orthodoxy.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. A secondary reason for hesitancy is worry about side effects which is NOTHING compared to effects of Corona, so they have their priorities so tragically lopsided.

  2. Since we have achieved herd immunity, there’s really no need to go crazy here. Please pick your battles on other vaccines or wait another year and see if COVID is a thing in 2022.

  3. “This survey once again highlights the diversity and strength of opinions across Orthodoxy.”

    That’s the most important outcome of the survey. Once you get past the shallow idea that if we wear one color we obviously share one opinion, you’ll find a greater diversity of opinions than within the general American public.

  4. To call 45 percent of chassidim anti vax is misleading and dangerous . Although as a healthy man in my 40s I didnt run to get the vax. In no way am I anti vax . I will get to do it , but I’m. Not running to it

  5. Why do I not find this surprising. Denial or at least lack of knowledge of science seems to increase as you move more to the right.

  6. How about the more torah you learn the sharper you get! and what about the lack of brainwashing chassidim get from media that thankfully we dont read. I guess that leaves us with some brain cells.

  7. this is an online survey, so it really reaches only part of population and most active ones will respond.

    >> Since we have achieved herd immunity, there’s really no need to go crazy here.

    IF you live in the community that was so wrong on COVID protections,
    IF your community COVID rate is 70% v. 30+% for the country,
    MAYBE you should be less confident in your pronouncements what to do next
    MAYBE even ask those who were more successful in avoiding COVID

  8. emes nisht sheker, why am I not surprised when skewed sciencific studies, incomplete sciencific studies and the DENIAL of real science and the complete acceptance of government and big pharma is swallowed whole without any thought and critical thinking as you move more towards the left? It’s the same leftist government forcing the brainwashing of kids with the pseudo-science of gender change that is also brainwashing young, healthy people to take a vaccine which can cause serious medical conditions ( including inflammation of heart muscles) for a virus that 99% of people fight off successfully.

  9. emes nisht sheker: “Denial or at least lack of knowledge of science seems to increase as you move more to the right”

    You mean like the left which thinks there are 72 genders? Or that covered up evidence that the COVID-19 virus was engineered by the Chinese in Wuhan?

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