WATCH IT: After Getting Assaulted, Tischler Gets Kicked Out of Maimonides Hospital For Trying To Video “Their Stupid Process”

It seems that everyone was picking on innocent Heshy Tichler on Wednesday night.

In just a matter of a few hours, Tischler got assaulted by two men who apparently had a “score to settle” with him, and was later kicked out of Maimonides Hospital – something that rarely happens.

As YWN reported on Wednesday night, two men arrived in a car outside Tischler’s Boro Park home looking for him. Tischler immediately recognized the men from a previous altercation he had with them at a rally / demonstration that Tischler attended. One of them men punched Tischler in the head. Police tell YWN that they have good leads, and hope to make a swift arrest in the case.

Tischler then made a video alleging that the men were from “a black lives matter”, and then added “Black Lives Matter, you want a war? Here we come!”

He also added “Mr. Mayor DeBlasio, you think I’m not coming for you? Here I come!”

Tischler repeatedly said he did not need a hospital, but later at night, a tired-sounding Tischler changed his mind and checked himself into Maimonides Hospital – armed with his video camera rolling.

As can be seen in the attached video, a triage nurse asked for Tischler to put on a mask and then asked for his photo ID and insurance card and asked to take a seat. He then asked how long it would take, and when told they weren’t sure of the exact time, he responded sarcastically by saying “oh you have no idea. You have no idea”.

The nurse responded by asking “why is she videoing”?

A moment later the video goes blank and the viewer will hear Tischler, who is currently on parole, saying “go ahead, call the police.”

A security guard is heard saying “you are not allowed to video”.

The video ends with a worn-out Tischler saying he “is going home” and that the hospital refused to allow him to video the “stupid process” that they have, and that they “threatened to arrest me for videoing their stupid process”.

Tischler closes his video with a “Thank you so much, idiots”.

Tischler who is a life-long resident of Boro Park, is currently running to represent the Flatbush Community in the 48th Council District, the seat formerly held by Chaim Deutsch. Close friends of Tischler say that he is convinced that he will win the race, while political insiders who have been doing this for many years predict Tischler receives a maximum of 2% of the vote (around 200 people).

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

27 Responses

  1. Why does he enjoy instigating?? How should the clerk know how long it will take shes just a clerk. Regarding videotaping ABSOLUTELY NO HOSPITAL will allow recording as it puts other patients privacy at risk.

  2. This incoherent moron doesn’t realize the problem with video recording patients in a hospital emergency room?? The employee was just following standard hospital procedure.
    He loves making a mountain out of a molehill all for his own ego. I hope he gets totally rejected on Primary Day.

  3. Video is the only tool we have against the abuse, negligence, and tyrany in these hospitals, and now they arrest people for this?

  4. You cannot video in a hospital for any reason due to laws of confidentiality. Other patients lies are important also and you do not expose the fact that they are there and receiving treatment. What he did was against the law which is why he was thrown out.

  5. As much as he has good intentions, it’s hard to take him seriously. He is an embarrassment, it’s all about self-promotion but instead of doing a Chuckie Schumer with a weekly press conference of narishkeit, Tischler is aggressive, arrogant and provocative.

    Do us all a favor, Heshy: either tone down the rhetoric or leave the field for a rational, competent and respected candidate.

    BTW, who is his shrieking woman sidekick? His wife??

  6. Parole is not the correct term. Parole is when someone is released from prison, after serving a term of incarceration. I do not believe that is accurate in this case. Probation is supervised and is in lieu of incarceration. If you mean he received an ACD for a misdemenor charge, that means the case was adjourned in contemplation of a dismissal (usually for 6 months.)

  7. Mr. Tischler–have you ever heard of making a Chillul Hashem??? Evidently not because that’s what you keep on doing all the time. Your Ego is amazing (not really)

  8. Very Wishy washy – Typical – He first said – I am NOT going to the hospital
    I guess after his famous show – Uncle- The Big T – wanted to make more trouble……

    How are we going to hear his antics and words of wisdom now?
    How will he go to his 109th wedding?
    Who will walk his dog?
    How will we hear the facts that he stands for and running for?
    (Btw – what are they?)
    Who will eat pizza Saturday night?
    At least somebody shut him up for
    A while.
    The Rabbonim and Askonim had
    Zero effect on his big TISCHLER!!!!!
    “When is my show”
    Lights out!!!!!!

  9. Take it easy everyone: The more crazy he acts and the more often he does it, actually minimizes a Chillul Hashem, as it becomes clear that he’s just a character and not representing anyone else in his community.

  10. Hershy please grow up !!!!!
    Hershy you are so talented and Hashem gave you a great mouth to talk so please use it to help your fellow yidden, NOT to antagonize police officers, nurses . You see that when you get other people angry they will hunt you down till your home and next time you will not be so lucky chas veshulem and they might seriously hurt you. Hershey Boro Park needs you more then ever so PLEASE use your Sychel (brains) before you act and speak…We learned in Perek (Chachumim Hizhari Bedivreichem) Hershey please behave ….

  11. @YWN Please stop publishing this guys publicity antics, his actions are an embarrasment to all of us. All we need is the “lovers” of orthodox judiasm to pick up on this and make him the face of our community. Hes funny, his sho wmany be funny but he doesnt represent 99% of our community.

  12. To all bad mouthing Hershey with all kinds of comments, lets NOT forget that Hershey WAS, IS,Will be there for any Yid in BP, Flatbush NO matter Chasidish,Litvish, he will help anyone 24/7 including shabbos.
    Hershey needs maybe a light dose of medication to keep him a bit calmer but his Heart is made of GOLD…
    Hershey Chazak Veamatz i know nothing STOPS you and be proud that there are many people out there appreciating your Community service .

  13. Saul B, you are unfortunately wrong, this is a true Chillul Hashem. The question is where are the Rabbanim to call him out on it? Whoever is behind the camera (his wife?) is worse. SHe is no wife of Ohn Ben Peled

  14. heshy tishler is a hard working activist who does a lot of good things but unfortunately seems to have lost track of the importance of being careful. and truthfully if you are going to be a provocateur it is even more important to be careful about which lines you cross and how exactly you cross that , and unfortunately he seems to have lost sight of that. I can only hope that after he loses the primary (although i suspect he will get notably more than 2% of the vote) he will do some soul searching about being more careful about which fights he picks with who and in what way.

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