THE MOMENTUM CONTINUES: Eric Adams Receives Endorsements of Sephardic Community In Flatbush and Staten Island Jewish Group

(By Yehudit Garmaise)

Today, mayoral candidate Eric Adams added to his growing list of Orthodox Jewish endorsements: a coalition of growing and thriving Staten Island Jewish groups and the influential Sephardic Community Federation (SCF), which is based in Flatbush.

Among the Staten Island supporters were Grand Rabbi Tzvi Pollack, shlita, Harav Chaim Yehuda Pollack, shlita, who is rosh kollel of Kehilas Agudath Shomrei Hadas, Grand Rebbe of Grossvidan, Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, Ari Weiss, Mark Weiss, the executive coordinator of Hatzolah Staten Island, Avrum Shmiel Rosenberg, Gabie Pinny Markowitz, Dudi Handler, David Schonfeld, and Zecharia Roth Mirocznik.

“Eric Adams is the best candidate to lead us,” said Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, who is the founder of COJO of Staten Island.

Mr. Ari Weiss, a community activist who co-endorsed Adams, said, “Eric is not just a friend who I’ve known for years, he a loyal person to our community, to every community.
“He bridges every community together.

“Any time any problem was up and coming, Eric was their Number One, tackling it and helping everyone out: no matter what area it was, no matter what capacity. I am proud to say that we endorse Eric Adams, and I hope everyone will vote, and Eric will be our next mayor.”

The support of the SCF and Staten Island comes less than a week after the Crown Heights community and the Far Rockaway Jewish Alliance endorsed Adams, who served in the NYPD for 22 years, and represented Brooklyn’s 20th Senate District as a state senator from 2006 to 2013.

“He’s always followed through on every promise, and he is well-qualified to be our next mayor,” said Mr. Ronnie Tawil, an SCF co-chairman.

The Jewish Press and the Jewish Voice have also endorsed Brooklyn’s borough president.

In addition, Adams is a finalist this week to gain the endorsement of the Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO) in Flatbush.

Early voting begins on June 12 for the New York City mayoral primary, which will take place on June 22.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. very smart move, a proven guy and the front runner at least at the minimum we know the frum vote is getting split and not going to a unknown guy afraid of AOC.

  2. Why do Jews still vote Democrat? Haven’t we learned anything??? VOTE REPUBLICAN…. New York is a horrible place to live because of Democrats.

  3. Clearly, not everyone in the Brooklyn Sephardic community will be voting for Adams, or any other Democrat for that matter. Most will be voting for Republican Curtis Sliwa, who is also running as an Independent candidate. Adams is nothing more than the “best of the worst”, and that’s not a reason to vote for him. We voted out the “best of the worst” Congressman last year and replaced him with superstar Republican Nicole Malliotakis, who is doing an incredible job fighting AntiSemitism and protecting our district. Curtis Sliwa will do the same. He wants to REFUND the NYPD, clean up NYC, jumpstart businesses, rescue the real estate crisis, open more charter and private schools, unite our city, and so much more. Our city has been in very bad shape before, due to Democrat mayors, and it has always been a Republican Mayor who has brought us back to life (remember Guiliani? Bloomberg?) Curtis Sliwa will do the same, and more.

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