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How to Find the Perfect Assisted Living Home for Your Parents

Watching your parents get older is difficult. They have always been the ones that had all the answers and helped to fix all your problems. As they get older they will start to have to depend on you more and more. At some point they may need some day-to-day assistants and moving them into an assisted living home is a nice way to let them have their independence while giving you peace of mind that they are safe. 

An Assisted Living Home Must Have…

When you start looking for the perfect assisted living home it should have…

  • Plenty of Services Available

Any assisted living homes should provide some sort of additional services to their residents. This may mean that they have a restaurant that only caters to residents and their guests or they may even have a salon on the property. 

  • A Member of Medical Staff Available On Property 24/7

It will be important to find out if there is medical staff on the property at all times. If they don’t it may not be a deal-breaker but you want to have a clear understanding of when medical staff is available versus when they are physically on the property. 

  • A Lot of Activities & Events

You will want there to be plenty for your parents to do so make sure that you find out what activities and events the assisted living homes you are considering have to offer. Many will offer trips that allow the residents to go off the property and some even have concerts and dances regularly on the property for residents to enjoy.

  • All the Amenities That Are Important to Your Parent

Make sure to ask about any amenities that each property you are considering offers. If your parents love to swim or fish, you will want to make sure that the assisted living home you choose offers amenities that will allow them to do that. 

  •  A Proportionally Appropriate Number of Staff to Residents

It is very important to find out how many staff there are at any time in relation to the amount of residence. You want the ratio to be pretty even so you know that there will always be a staff member around to help your parents if they need it. 

  • Staffs Training Requirements

Though it is the normal industry standard that all staff has some sort of certification if they are working at an assisted living home it is not always a requirement. Make sure to clarify what level of training all of the staff is required to have at all the properties you are considering.

What if Your Parents Need to See a Specialist?

There are often situations where residents at assisted living homes need to see a specialist for certain health conditions they face. When this happens the staff at the property will either arrange transportation or have a company like Waltham Clinic send a specialist directly to the property to see the resident. Waltham Clinic is located in San Diego, California, and is making doctor care more accessible for the elderly in their area.

Time to Set Up a Tour and Help Your Make A Choice

Now that you know what to look for and ask when visiting assisted living homes. You should be ready to help your parents to pick a property that will allow them to continue living an active lifestyle. A place where they can make friends and maybe even try new activities they have never had a chance to experience before. Take all the time you need and you will find a great place for your parents to spend their golden years.

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