NYPD Makes Another TWO Arrests For Hate Crimes In Boro Park & Flatbush This Past Shabbos [UPDATED]

Photo via BP24

Following an arrest on Tuesday of a suspect in in hate crimes that occurred in Boro Park and Flatbush this past Shabbos, two additional suspects were taken into custody by the NYPD on Wednesday.

Arrested today

  • Ashan Azad, 19-year-old male, of 1412 East 2 Street, Brooklyn, NY. He has been charged Aggravated Harassment / Hate Crime Harassment.
  • Haider A. Anjam, 20-year-old male of 1499 East 10 Street, Brooklyn, NY. He has been charged with Aggravated Harassment / Hate Crime Menacing / Hate Crime Harassment.

On Tuesday, YWN reported the arrest of Daniel Shaukat, 20-year-old male of 2262 65 Street, Brooklyn, NY. He was charged with Aggravated Harassment / Hate Crime.

As YWN reported, two hate crimes took place on Shabbos afternoon. The first was on Ocean Parkway and 18th Avenue, when two Yeshiva boys were attacked by a group of three teens who were driving a Toyota Camry. A short while later, the trio drove into Boro Park, where they tried going into the Agudah of 16th Avenue, and then smashed a car mirror on the street – all while yelling anti-Semitic slurs.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Chasdei H’. The NYPD, and as much as we hate to acknowledge, DeBlasio, is following through with their promises, and duty, to protect us.

  2. what does it mean to be arrested these days? they’re back on the street a few hours later to continue on their merry ways. if it meant that now that we know their addresses we can send in our own “chevra” and make sure that they never hurt another yid, that is called justice served.

  3. As always they will be let go?

    Spineless nyc leadership endangering human lives based on political correctness.

    G&L …,
    Hate crimes are prosecuted.

    Jews are expandable with Self hating jews at the helm like Sanders and Spinless Schumer and Nadler who needs Talib and Omar and BLM?

  4. Haider A. Anjam, 20-year-old male of 1499 East 10 Street, Brooklyn, NY.

    Wow, this thug lives right around the corner from us. This is not the first time an arab dog was arrested from that very same building. A couple of years ago an arab was arrested for supporting and attempting to join ISIS, from that same building. Yes, the building is owned by a heimishe “yid”. As long as the rent money comes in, screw all the Frum neighbors. Kesef yaana es hakol.

  5. @Not getting involved: What do you want from the landlord? Should he announce that no Arabs or Muslims are allowed to rent in his building? And while there are many radical ones, there is simply no way to rent out your apartments and turn away anyone who is in a category you don’t like. What in the world do you want him to do? I don’t think you’re being too fair here. Lucky you though that you used double quotation marks for “yid” instead of ‘yid’.

  6. Yeh Sure! Just a show that the big phony jerk DeBlasio is having his token NYPD people perform for you. Remember who He really is (Warren Wilhelm Jr.)DeBlasio is His stage name, not a Jew lover at heart. They’ll go in one door & out the other. Wake up fellow Jews, stop voting for these ultra left Liberal Commies. You must break away from your old customs & habits, You don’t have to vote for Democrats all the time. When are You gonna learn?

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