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Team Of Yungerleit Launch ‘’

job.jpgThe following letter was written by a close friend of YWN, with the sole intention of helping Acheinu Bnei Yisroel. Feel free to email this post to anyone who can help.

Dear Friends:

I was recently approached by a chaver to attend a meeting conducted in an effort to assist in the growing problem amongst acheinu bnei yisroel of unemployment which in the eyes of many has escalated to crisis levels.  At this meeting and at similar meetings individuals who were unemployed would come and essentially display themselves or their credentials in front of other more “fortunate” individuals in the hopes of getting ideas or leads at possible employment.  While I certainly don’t mean to minimize the impact that these meetings have had on individuals, (I understand that one of these meetings was the cause for placing 18 individuals in jobs just last week) many unfortunate people have been unwilling to attend these meetings, and are therefore missing out on its benefits for the simple reason that they wish to maintain a certain level of kavod that wont allow them that, and if we cannot offer them jobs certainly we can understand and give them their kavod.  But with their not attending comes their not being exposed to the job market and the benefit that such exposure affords.

To that end I have put together a forum that will allow individuals participating as Job Seekers to maintain as much dignity as possible with revealing only as much as they are comfortable revealing to get the ball rolling so to speak. If things develop and a potential match can be made then the conversation can continue in more and greater detail between the parties involved either through email or the totally private Private Message system on the forum itself. Additionally employers can post Jobs and tap into a heimish pool of individuals, and fill a job that they need to while fulfilling what the Rambam refers to as the highest level of Tzedakah, giving a person the means to support himself.

With this in mind I have given the forum two names, one which is based on the Mamar Chazal that Aniyus and Ashirus is a Galgal Hachozer baolam, and those that are on top today may not be so fortunate tomorrow and those that are on bottom can be on top.  This alone should give job seekers chizuk.

A second address that will point to the forum is again a reference to the Rambam’s eight levels of Tzedakah of which helping a person help himself is the first of eight.

It is my intention to keep this forum totally free and I see no reason that funds would be needed.  The only thing that may be needed by people like yourself is your participation by way of registering and actively joining and posting jobs or offering advice when requested,  as you have now been given the ability to help out on the “giving” side. Additionally it would be helpful if you were to forward the address to those that can contribute as well as those that can benefit from this medium.

Please, spend a few moments of your time and be mekayim what the gemarah and the rambam talk about and be mechazek those that are in need by joining and contributing to the forum in the manner that I have listed above and as the Gemarah in Shabbos 151b says give when you have the chance so that when the wheel comes around, we get.

Thank you and Kol Tuv.

12 Responses

  1. This is beautiful. May you be zocheh to help many yidden find their pathway to parnassah, which in turn will help support many torah families. Kol hakavod.

  2. Combine these good works with encouraging proper education,, how to read, write and articulate in English, math and knowledge of economy will be an ace in the pocket when looking for employment.

  3. Where and when do these meetings take place? Some people present themselves better in person than they do in writing. Perhaps they can share with the public on upcomiin events.

  4. I remember when I was in kollel I was at a total loss of what or when I should go and do something to help my family exist! The programs offered by well meaning individuals were of no help. It is good that finally something worthwhile is being started. Hopefully, this will help kollelguys get out in a decent fashion.

  5. This is a beautiful idea! PCS in Lakewood and NY (a division of Agudah) does essentially the same thing- finding jobs for yungerleit, and for experienced pple who were downsized as well- all for free. Perhaps the pple behind this wonderful idea should contact PCS to partner with them- they have loads of contacts in various businesses, set up interviews for pple, and general career counseling for those who need direction.

  6. Thank you all for the well wishes and berachos for Hatlacha. BH the site started nicely thanks to YWN.

    The ONLY way however that this can succeed and acomplish what it was created for is if we utilize the concept from Chazal “Chavra DCHavra is Lei”. By spreading the word from one to another. In this way it can become a true networking site where if people participate even if you dont know of a person or a job you can tell others who may know. Klal Yisroels strength is by mouth and by word of mouth we can work together to accomplish the same goal.

    4. I think that in each subtopic if everyone would add the location of the job it would make things easier to identify.

    8. PCS is the organization that holds the meetings. There are others like this in different communities.

    12. I think they know about this. The idea os not to restrict to only Agudah but to create an open platform and forum where anyone and everyone can meet and disseminate info.

    Please spread the word.

    Kol Tuv.

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