You Won’t Believe Your Eyes! Transform your vision with the lens that catapulted thousands of children and teens to success!

Life-Changing Lenses

Standing exhilarated on the brink of a new school year, they rub their eyes in amazement, unable to believe that the suffering is behind them, that it was all so easy and affordable, that from now on, things will be good!

If you’d ask them just six months ago to define their problem, they’d answer without batting an eyelash: “I’m hyperactive.” “I’m ADD.” “I can’t focus or concentrate.” “The letters swim across the page.” “My thoughts don’t stay focused.” When kids answer bluntly like that, it comes as no surprise that they’re failing school…

Teachers, parents and tutors all shook their heads and said, “You’ve got a good head, use it! You have the ability, don’t give up! You’ve just got to learn to apply yourself.” For years, they were reproached, berated, blamed for not trying, not caring or working hard enough. They were unmotivated, unenthusiastic about their learning, but who could really blame them?

But now, that’s all behind them. Now, they—and everyone else–knows that it wasn’t their fault.

The problem was eliminated; the issue was successfully resolved, and now they can finally focus! They can concentrate. They can read and learn and know! Once and for all, they can really succeed!

It’s a life-altering change that impacts every realm of life. Suddenly, their social standing skyrockets, and their classmates want to study with them. Suddenly, they have the right answer on the test because the question makes sense! Finally, Tatty and Mommy can reap nachas instead of complaints from the faculty. Suddenly, there’s a reason to wake up in the morning, and desire and passion to learn!

The miracle all began the day they walked into Maalah Child Development Center and learned about the special eyecare lenses crafted by Norman Aronowitz, Senior Optometrist.

Following a comprehensive eye exam, they’re outfitted with a brand-new pair of special glasses and ready to face the world! No longer will they be labeled hyperactive or problematic; no more will teachers recommend Ritalin, because the problem wasn’t behavioral, but visual! 

It was all about a visual focus impairment stemming from lack of eye muscle focusing and coordination that causes letters to jump out of line and confuse reading.  A relatively minor problem with major ramifications on a child’s ability to read and focus.  A problem that spurred repeated headaches. A problem that caused them to despise reading and lose concentration.

A problem that, once resolved, enables the same child to sit patiently with an open Mishnah or Gemara and learn with zest!

Until recently, the concept of visual focus impairment was a vague, often misunderstood realm. Those aware of the problem were likewise aware that the only means of restoring proper eye functioning was through intensive daily eye exercises that sap a child’s and his parents’ time, energy, patience and money.

They’re Not Alone!

But all that’s changed, and today, hundreds of kids are going back to school with a newfound ability to concentrate.  Maalah Child Development Center and its senior optometrist Mr. Norman Aronowitz are delighted to announce an innovative method to solving visual focusing impairments in children and adults using special glasses lenses. In the past year, Mr. Aronowitz has outfitted close to 2000 boys and girls and teenagers with glasses featuring special visual-focusing lenses that train the eye muscles to focus and coordinate vision.

Maalah Child Development Center provides the charedi child with uncompromising service, professional evaluations and therapies in a broad range of developmental fields that vastly improve quality of life and ensures successful integration into society.

If you or your child manifest any of the symptoms of poor visual focusing including concentration difficulties, reading or writing challenges, academic issues or chronic headaches—don’t look farther!

Contact Maalah Child Development Center today and request an appointment with Mr. Aronowitz, Senior Optometrist.  Mr. Aronowitz speaks English, Hebrew and Yiddish and provides warm, professional and friendly service in a charedi atmosphere that yields outstanding results with minimal effort and investment! 

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