Paterson vs Bloomy: This Is Gonna Get Ugly

bp.jpgThe NY Post has an exclusive by Albany reporter Frederic U. Dicker today about how Gov. Paterson has blasted Mayor Bloomberg in private, taking the mayor to task for his tantrums and noting that Bloomberg’s behavior is similar to the anger demonstrated by former Governor Eliot Spitzer. The front page blares, “Gov rips Mike: ‘YOU CAN’T TRUST HIM'” with head shots of a scowling Bloomberg and a sullen Paterson. The remarks stem from the talks to save Off-Track Betting (OTB), which came down to the wire yesterday when the state reached an agreement with the city to take over OTB.

Quoting a “source with firsthand knowledge of Paterson’s comments,” Dicker attributes a number of remarks to the governor, including:

*”He has the same kind of anger that reminds you of Spitzer.”

*Bloomberg has misrepresented facts to the point that “you can’t trust him.

*About Bloomberg’s potential run for governor: “The people of New York City may be OK with the mayor taking off and flying to his private home in Bermuda every weekend, but if he did that at the state level, I think the people would send him a different message.”

*On the OTB talks: “The public generally hasn’t seen the nastiness and the outbursts that were seen during the past week. We have a very good example of a person who had no defects with the public, and, all of a sudden, he’s self-destructing.”

The majority of the article deals with how “mild-mannered” Paterson usually is and that these are “shocking broadsides.” The reaction from Bloomberg should be interesting and we’ll have to see if this becomes an all-out war of words between Albany and City Hall.

(Heather Muse – Village Voice)

12 Responses

  1. A prominent black politician lumping together two Jews — Bloomberg and Spitzer — for the same criticism and doing it privately (rather than publicly) has the appearance of anti-Semitism.

    Furthermore, I believe Lashon HaRa against all Jews — including Chilonim — is prohibited. YW should be careful about re-publishing gossip from Goyishe newspapers.

  2. On the one hand I would agree with Avraham about Governor Paterson’s seemingly lumping together two Jews as peas in the same pod. But, I would also like to point out that he doesn’t say the same thing about other Jews in Albany such as Dov Hikind. I would say that the same criticisms that the Governor expressed about Spitzer and Bloomberg I have heard expressed by others in the media and by other politicians.

  3. the present govenor is an admitted menuvel and drug user.
    boruch hashem that even a non religiousJew like Bloomberg does not have those scandala around him.

  4. it’s about time someone came out
    and said the truth about blumberg
    it’s good to see the gov. is not swayed by money..

  5. #1 I guess you didn’t learn to much chafetz chaim because saying loshon hora against jews who are openly mechalel shabbos is 100% mutar since not bechlal oisay maseh amcha surely spitzer and bloomberg maybe you are qouting the rambam that its not good to speak at all any loshon hara but then again i highly doubt you know that rambam and you said that yw has to obet by it please get you facts straight before critizing

  6. Please its not LH at all! And for a change its true, big time! Ask anyone that was involved with congestion pricing what went on, with Bloomy’s “reports” full of bluff.

    Its nuts to say that Paterson combined the two jews. Whats about Silver? Hikind? Schick? etc.

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