WATCH: Jewish Man Beaten By Pro-Palestinian Protesters In Toronto

Thousands of people gathered for a vocal but relatively peaceful protest at Nathan Philips Square in Toronto, Canada, in response to the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

A heavy police presence was on hand for what they estimated to be a gathering of between 2,500 to 5,000 people.

One Jewish man was viciously beaten by protesters, and was taken to the hospital

See videos below

9 Responses

  1. This article makes no sense.
    A vocal but peaceful protest????
    They tried killing a Jew!
    There’s nothing peaceful about this

  2. “Thousands of people gathered for a vocal but relatively peaceful protest at Nathan Philips Square in Toronto, Canada,…”

    Can we stop this nonsense already?? Mostly peaceful? No. They beat someone up for disagreeing with them. That’s not peaceful.

  3. The Canadians are not even capable of arranging vaccinations, just allowing 10 people to attend religious services:- But here for these wicked Palestinians, no problems allowing huge protests.
    Canada has regressed to a 3rd world evil socialist country.

  4. Jews should not get involved in a Palestinian protest.
    Jews should know that this is a Zionist-Arab conflict and nothing to do with Jews except that Jews live there.

    We pray for the safety of our brethren everywhere and have nothing to do with Zionist wars and conflicts.

  5. relatively peaceful….come give me a break___i come from this hole in the wall of a country where anti semitism is a mold growing daily on the wall of this country,

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