Eis Laasois! See These Heartbreaking Videos And Help These Children

Two and a half-year-old Mendy is bright and cute. He’s a happy little boy who enjoys looking at books, likes to learn and loves company!

Mendy’s friends are all starting preschool now, but Mendy cannot go to a regular preschool… Mendy has a physical disability.

Mendy cannot walk by himself or stand on his own for even a minute. Mendy needs an intense, professional program in order to succeed. But Mendy still wants to learn. Mendy wants to spend his days in the company of other Yiddish speaking children with whom he can relate. There’s only one option for Mendy—Eis Laasois! At Eis Laasois he will learn despite his disability!

There have been other Yiddish speaking specialty preschools in the past, but none have survived. Currently, Eis Laasois is the only classroom-based bilingual preschool program for children with disabilities serving Yiddish speaking children that is approved by the NYSED in NYC.

For the past 35 years, Eis Laasois has been a shining light for children with disabilities, giving them a shot at a bright future. The results are astonishing: the professional team of Teachers and Therapists get the children to achieve more than anyone could have ever thought was possible. Children who were never supposed to stand, learn to walk. Children who were never supposed to learn, read. Children who were never supposed to be independent, feed and dress themselves.

The funding for this program works through tuition reimbursement. But these rates were frozen for six years and cover only a portion of the real costs, and operational expenses keep climbing. This squeeze is what forced other providers to close their doors.

Dear brothers and sisters! Mendy and his friends at Eis Laasois cannot afford for their school to close. They have nowhere else to go. Their future depends on us.

Open your hearts generously for Mendy and his friends. Give them the chance they need to succeed!

Click here and show Mendy you care.


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