Photos: Misaskim Gets 18th Sefer Torah

YWN-Misaskim HST-006.jpg(Click HERE for photos) A large crowd gathered on Sunday afternoon in Flatbush in honor of the 18th Sefer Torah being completed, and donated to the Misaskim organization. The Sefer Torah was donated by the Elbogen Family in memory of their mother A”H, and is the second Sefer Torah that the Elbogen Mishpacha has donated to Misaskim.

Exactly one year ago (2007), Misaskim received seven Sifrei Torah simultaneously – in a tremendous event which was celebrated throughout the streets of Flatbush and Boro Park. One of those Sefirei Torah was donated by the Elbogen family.

The Sifrei Torah are all constantly used in the homes of Aveilim R”L. A spokesperson from Misaskim tells YWN: “Unfortunately, 18 is still not enough! We are overwhelmed with requests for Sifrei Torah and do not have a sufficient amount.

For more information about participating in a Kisivas Sefer Torah for Misaskim, please call 718-854-4548.

(Photo Credits: Tzemach Glenn / Ari Green – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. This really should be the responsibility of the kehillos and their chevray kadisha.A shul should be a kehillo with its own independent organizations,presided over by their Rov.

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