What Are the Benefits of Rowing?

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Are you looking for a way to shred fat and get the body of your dreams with one machine. Then you should look into purchasing a rowing machine for your at-home gym. With this one piece of equipment and 20 min a day you can be on the road to achieving your dreams.

Benefits For Days

Several benefits come from rowing. Here are just a few…

  • Total Body Workout

When you row with correct for you are working almost every muscle in your body. This great for increasing your cardio and for toning all the muscles in your body. 

  • Great For Heart & Lungs

Since rowing is such great cardio it really gets your blood pumping. This causes you to take deep breaths and expand your lungs. This is great for keeping both in peak health and keeping the rest of your body in peak condition as well.

  • Great Calorie Burner

If you are ready to transform your body, then you need to be shredding calories with every workout. Since rowing uses so many muscles it is ideal to accomplish this goal. The added bonus that you get with this form of cardio is you are effectively toning your muscles while shredding fat at the same time.  You will be shocked at the calories burned rowing for just 20 minutes. 

  • Build Stamina

Rowing is a great way to endurance train. Since you are using all your muscles you are increasing your stamina in your whole body. You will start to notice that your workout seems easier and easier. After a while, you will have to take it up a notch so you keep seeing results.

  • Low Impact 

Rowing is a very low-impact exercise making it ideal for anyone no matter their shape or age. Everyone can be successful at and excel at rowing. This is a great way for anyone with bad knees to get effective cardio and tone every muscle in their body. 

  • Stress-Reducing

There is something so zen about rowing. Especially when you get a chance to do it on the open water. But even when you are in your home you can close your eyes and pretend you are rowing on your favorite lake or down your favorite river. 

When you are rowing it is your time and you can forget about all the stresses of the world. Plus, exercise in general is great at relieving stress.  

  • Time Saver

The rowing machine can give you an effective full-body workout in 20 min. Instead of spending an hour rotating from machine to machine. This is perfect for your busy life. Everyone can find 20 min a day to improve their health.

  • Amazing Legs

Everyone wants gorgeous toned legs. While a stair stepper can also help you attain this goal. It will murder your knees. The rower offers you a low-impact way to achieve those flawlessly toned legs that will make you want to wear shorts year-round. 

  • Convenient

Adding a rowing machine to your home gym is super efficient because you can get rid of almost every other piece of equipment you own. This makes it super budget-friendly and you already know that it will be time-friendly. Just 20 mins a day and you can have the body of your dreams. 

Ready To Purchase Your Rowing Machine?

It is time for you to pull the trigger and go ahead and get you a rowing machine for your gym and throw out all the other equipment you no longer need. All you need is 20 min a day, some determination, and your rowing machine and you will have your dream body in no time. 

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