NYC ELECTION: Eric Adams Leading In Poll In Mayoral Election

Brooklyn Boro President Eric Adams is leading the field of mayoral candidates in a new poll, Politico reports.

Adams was the first-place pick for 21 percent of the respondents in a three-day survey conducted by Washington, D.C.-based firm GQR, according to a copy of the survey obtained by POLITICO.

Andrew Yang followed at 18 percent, and City Comptroller Scott Stringer had 15 percent support.

Many political pundits were recently questioning why most Mosdos in Boro Park unanimously threw their support behind Yang last week, when Yang is an unknown – someone who just recently arrived in NYC, and who has no idea how NYC Government operates. Adams on the other hand, spent many years as an NYPD Officer, a NY State Senator, and now Brooklyn Boro President, and who is no stranger to the Jewish community.

Highly credible sources tell YWN that the reason for the overwhelming support of the Mosdos, is that someone was promised a top position in a Yang administration should he be elected.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. hashem should help that he wins the election because he is the best for our community the rest are liberls

  2. Yang is an unknown – someone who just recently arrived in NYC, and who has no idea how NYC Government operates.

    What the **** is this person talking about, and what “many political pundits” have asked such a stupid question? As far as I can tell Yang arrived in NYC In 1996 and has lived here ever since.

  3. Maybe it is because he said all the right things on Yeshiva education at a time its on the top of people’s minds?
    I don’t think all the mosdos would through their support behind Yang just so one person can get a plum job.

    Let’s not forget that the Munkatcher Rebbe and other figures are supporting Adams. Maybe it’s better that we’re on both sides.

  4. Wow – that is interesting info.
    Keep us posted!
    But what is happening with the city
    Council race – Heshy Tushhhler.
    A person that – behind every great man, there’s a great behind.
    Do we really care that he went to 103 weddings?
    Do we really care about pizza night?
    Do we really care about his show on Friday nights?
    We would all really be happy if he takes himself off the ballot and disappears –
    His words and action are an embarrassment to the human and Jewish race.
    Where are our askanim?
    I do wish BIBI luck.
    Maybe BIBI should give some advice to Harold.
    We don’t want Harold to end up back in prison again.
    Am Yisroel Chai.

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