MUST WATCH VIDEOS: The Meron Tragedy: Helping Our Children Cope

Chai Lifeline joins all of Klal Yisroel in mourning those lost in the Lag B’Omer tragedy in Meron. We express our sincerest condolences to their families and our thoughts and tefilos are with all the injured and impacted.

In response to this far-reaching traumatic event, Chai Lifeline presents “The Meron Tragedy: Helping Our Children Cope” for parents with children in Israel or at home. The series of videos offers divrei chizuk from Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth, Rav of Khal Kol Torah, and Rabbi Shay Schachter, Associate Rabbi at Young Israel of Woodmere and Camp Simcha; as well as mental health guidance from Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Project Chai.

Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth, Rav of Khal Kol Torah:

Rabbi Shay Schachter, Associate Rabbi at Young Israel of Woodmere and Camp Simcha

Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Project Chai

Project Chai, Chai Lifeline’s crisis intervention department, has issued the following guidelines to help children and families during these challenging times. We encourage anyone in need of assistance to contact our 24-hour Project Chai crisis hotline at 855-3-CRISIS or email [email protected].

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