How to learn to be happy during a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on our lives. And many are facing a lot of overwhelming challenges. Social distancing in this kind of situation is necessary to reduce the virus. Although, because of it, the question of how to live happier is asked all around because the isolation can make a lot of people feel lonely and stressed, and basically unhappy, which can lead to fear, anxiety, and depression,

Going through some well-researched free essay samples on happiness, it seems like Americans are the unhappiest they have been in the past 50 years. And in essays about happiness by EduZaurus, the writers say that during these painful times, the idea of taking care of your personal health may be selfish, but it is more important now than ever before. And we couldn’t agree more! There are many healthy ways to cope with stress, and implementing some of the following ways in your everyday activities, will definitely increase your happiness during a pandemic and help you in these uncertain times.


Take a break from the news.

Reduce the watching, listening, or reading to new stories. It is always a good idea to stay informed, but constantly hearing about the pandemic and the negatives can become upsetting. So it is good for your mental health to take a break from the news from time to time.  

Learn something new

Having all this free time can become the perfect time to learn something new and work on your education. It can be hard to study when you are depressed, but there are always posts or essays like “7 ways to get motivated to study” that you can read to get the much needed motivation. Or you can use the free time to find a new hobby like knitting, painting or simply reading a book.


The physical experience has a huge effect on the emotional experience. No wonder exercises are looked at as the magical elixir of a happy life. You don’t have to do an exhausting workout. Just a simple 15-minute walk around your neighborhood will significantly improve your mood. Another way to foster inner joy is with meditation. Because meditation reduces the stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

Regain human connection

Personal relationships with friends and colleagues have a huge meaning in our lives. And because of the pandemic, it is easy to lose touch with everyone and become self-isolated in our homes. But to stay happy, we need to reach out to our friends, colleagues, or relatives, and thanks to the developed technology, we can do that easily. It may not be the same as spending the day with someone face to face, but even a virtual conversation can help us feel connected with people on a human and personal level.

Clean up

When you find yourself in quarantine, use that opportunity to clean your house. Cleaning your home has been shown to have many benefits. Some studies say that clutter makes it hard to focus on tasks, so if you work from home, a quick tidy-up may help you focus more on your job. A messy kitchen is linked with making poor health choices like eating more junk food, and a messy bedroom can lead to difficult sleeping.

Don’t obsess over being happy or positive.

This may seem counter intuitive, but it can be a bad idea to constantly chase positive emotions. The constant pursue of happiness can cause a reverse effect. If you are too focused on the question “why can’t I just be happy,” you may end up feeling more depressed. The best you can do is to cope with the fact that it is natural to have a more difficult time feeling happy and positive in a stressful time.


The pandemic had affected everyone globally, and to help, the best we can do is stay at home and learn how to find happiness. Many things bring us joy every day. But most of the time, we don’t realize that because we are too focused on becoming happy instead of enjoying the little things that actually make us happy.

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