Young Boy Dies With COVID-19 After Family Travels To Hawaii

Image by Olya Adamovich from Pixabay

A child who traveled to Hawaii with his vaccinated parents has died after contracting COVID-19.

The Hawaii Department of Health said Tuesday the boy is under 11 and had a known underlying condition.

It was the first coronavirus-related death of a child in that age range in Hawaii.

There have been 479 reported deaths linked to COVID-19 in the state.

Department of Health spokesman Brooks Baehr said the child began to show symptoms shortly after arriving in the state and was taken to a hospital, where he later died.

The child’s parents were fully vaccinated and were tested for COVID-19 before traveling to Hawaii.

“I can confirm that both parents had been tested and both had tested negative,” Baehr said. “Which indicates that this child was not infected by COVID from the parents.”

People traveling to Hawaii are able to use a negative coronavirus test to be exempted from the state’s 10-day quarantine rule for incoming travelers. Children under 5 are not required to be tested prior to arrival. Baehr did not know if the child had been tested.

“While the parents appear to have taken the steps to insulate the child from COVID by, you know, getting vaccinated and they were tested before they came, this child still somehow was infected with the virus and eventually succumbed to it,” Baehr said.

No further information about the case was released because of privacy laws, Baehr said.

“Anyone who may be on the fence on getting vaccinated could look at this and go, ’oh, my goodness, I want to protect myself, but I want to protect, you know, my loved ones and really people I don’t even know,” Baehr said.


7 Responses

  1. The vaccine is shedding as has been proven from many stories already of people getting certain symptoms or COVID from a vaccinated individual. My friend got COVID from her vaccinated husband. This boy may have actually gotten COVID from his parents even though they tested negative. The CDC says clearly that it hasn’t been proven to stop transmission.

  2. Anyone who may be on the fence on getting vaccinated Need to force all politicians & physicians to now allow this vaccination even for young children

  3. just travelling on the airplane exposes people. there is no social distancing. i doubt the parents infected their child.

  4. Another needless death.
    At age 11, he probably was able to swallow tablets.

    I’ve done intensive research of both sides of the fence and… The HCQ+Zinc protocol works!
    It works wonders!

    I’m tired of having to elaborate. So i’ll just say this;
    If you get the virus, and you don’t take the HCQ therapy within the first few days, whatever negative happens next is your own fault. (Look up the correct dosage.)

    Besides, if you google Hydroxychloroquine and look at reports (prior to this pandemic) you will see it’s a very safe drug. (And, of course, so is Zinc.)
    So even if you think there’s only 1% chance it will keep you out of the hospital, what have you got to lose??!

  5. Tragic. He had an UNDERLYING CONDITION.

    Drs of all kinds, unfortunately including drs fin inzireh mentshin, are trying to play Gd better than Gd.

    Tov She’barofim l’gehenim.

  6. AP cranks out articles that specialize in either lies, propaganda or both.
    It seems dubious for most people to get a vaccine that has not been approved as safe (only for Emergency Use), when there are multiple safe treatments available and more on the way.

    This additional factor, of possibly encountering someone with a pre-existing condition, doesn’t change the risk equation.

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