The Perfect Running Clothes For Beginners

Motivated young african sportsman jogging at city park, panorama with copy space

So you are a beginner at running — there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You have to remember that for whatever reason you are taking up running is, the absolute best in the world, some of the most decorated athletes that you will ever find all had to start somewhere. The fact that you are showing enough courage to get started is the most important and most difficult step to take so congratulations on being able to get through that hurdle! 

Because you are a beginner, it is even more important though that you choose the right clothes and accessories for when you go running. Since your running still won’t be as refined as those who are more seasoned in it, there is a higher chance that you might injure yourself if you do not wear the right type of shoes for example. Wearing the right clothes will also help you streamline your goals so that you can build off of the momentum. 

So now the question is, where do you start? Here is all you need to know about the right running clothes for absolute beginners.

The Right Shoes Will Go A Long Way

The first thing you need to prioritize when you are a beginner at running is to find yourself in the right shoes. Ideally, the shoes that you use for your running should be those that will reduce the chances of you injuring your feet and ankles. This is because when you are not used to running yet, you are probably not used to shifting your weight in the right way and finding your center of balance. If you add a little too much weight to one foot you can put an unnecessary amount of strain on the bones.

You might want to consider running shoes that are built specifically for trails should you take your running to rougher terrain. If you want to do your running at night, make sure your shoes are lighter and have some sort of reflection to them so that you can protect yourself by giving yourself some form of visibility. Aim for the perfect balance of cushioning and weight when choosing your shoes, you do not want shoes there are very well cushioned but too heavy, or shoes that are light but are not protective enough. 

Keep Things Light and Compressed

When choosing the right clothes for running, it is important to choose clothes that give off the feeling of being part of your skin. You will find that when you wear clothes that do not fit well into your body, they can become annoying as you start to swear more and very uncomfortable when your body begins to become warmer as you run.

When choosing clothes, aim for compression — whether it is from your shirt, your running shorts, your socks, or even your accessories. You do not want clothes that flap around when you become sweaty.  Another thing to keep in mind is that you will probably want to have clothes that have a decent amount of pockets. Newer running shorts for men often have pockets that are designed to hold your valuables in place while not feeling too tight on your skin.

With these tips in mind, you should be road-ready in no time. Investing in your health is something that you will not regret because even though the act of exercising is uncomfortable and time-consuming in the short term, you will notice the differences in your mood and even your appearance in the long term. Dressing the part is a great way to help you visualize the end results! 

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