HERE WE GO AGAIN: Tensions Rising At Scene Of Deputy-Involved Shooting In Elizabeth City, North Carolina

Elizabeth City, NORTH CAROLINA – A man was fatally shot by deputies who were attempting to serve a search warrant Wednesday morning in Pasquotank County, North Carolina.

According to the Pasquotank County Sheriff’s Office, the incident occurred around 8:30 a.m. in the 400 block of Perry Street.

Witnesses and family members on scene say 40-year-old Andrew Brown jumped into his car and drove away when deputies opened fire, fatally striking him.

An angry crowd gathered at the scene claiming police brutality, saying Brown was unarmed and shot in the back.


9 Responses

  1. These cases should not be reported in any media until there is some credible support for the facts being reported. No clue about anyone’s race here, but the masses that like violence are likely to make this racial even if it is not. They did that with Floyd – Chauvin. Silence is better than baseless speculation.

  2. Dealing with Police 101:

    1. If you are told by a policeman to put your hands behind your back, follow instructions and don’t resist.
    2. If you are told by a policeman to step out of your vehicle, see #1 above.
    3. If a policeman comes to your door, don’t run or drive away.
    4. Go back and re-read numbers 1 through 3 100 more times.

  3. @The little know is suggesting to control the news; like in north Korea.

    You with you’re outrageous comments.

  4. How about the black community beginning to respect law enforcement officers once and for all? When they stay stop, they mean STOP! When they say drop the gun, yes- they will probably shoot when that does not happen! When someone is lunging at another with a knife, they probably will shoot- regardless if it is a “kid” holding the knife. Perhaps they respect the law and those whose job it is to enforce the law, alot less police shootings will occur- guaranteed. But let’s cry racism instead, it echoes better with the left wing idiots.

  5. Does anyone notice a common denominator in almost every police shooting in the past couple of years?
    “Resisting Arrest”!!!!!!

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