WILLIAMSBURG: Hit-And-Run Strikes Multiple Pedestrians – Was This An Intentional Incident? [SEE THE DISTURBING VIDEO FOOTAGE]

Police are investigating a hit-and-run in Williamsburg on Motzei Shabbos.

At around 10:30PM, a minivan parked on Wythe Avenue and Rutledge Street backed into five pedestrians. One person was taken to the hospital by Williamsburg Hatzolah.

The driver of the vehicle fled the scene. But was this just an accident with a driver who had no drivers license or insurance – the reason for most hit-and-run’s?

Security camera footage shows a disturbing scene.

In the videos below, viewers see the minivan arriving and parking just in front of a crosswalk. The driver is seen getting out, looking around, and appears to be waiting for people to get behind him wait to cross. He then backs his vehicle straight into them. He is then seen exiting the minivan, looks how many people he ran over, gets back into his car and flees the scene.

The vehicle had no license plates on it.

The NYPD and Williamsburg Shomrim were both on the scene and are both asking if anyone has any information to please contact them.



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13 Responses

  1. So this guy backs up into an intersection when there is no one in front of him. and he appears to do it twice. I can’t think of how this is not intentional. Also no license plates means that this was planned in advance.

  2. Obviously intentional. The guy accelerated as he backed up. Most people backing up keep a consistent cautious speed. Also the guy had no reason to back up in order to pull out

  3. It is pretty obvious that N.Y.C. is turning into a real true live jungle. Even the Police are afraid to come out.
    Simple common sense would say to me that nowadays in Brooklyn , wait on the sidewalk until you are able to cross. After Moshiach comes, then we will be in a safe place and we will be able to wait on the actual street.
    But for right now, we must watch our surroundings extremely carefully. Some people out there, as you see for yourself are trying very hard to really hurt us.
    Please don’t shmuz in the street. Look around you carefully. If you shmuz, you can not focus on those animals.

  4. If this was intentional then the person on the side of the camera running at 0:33 is involved. Why is he running away?

  5. Chevra
    When the low life is caught he should be charged with attempted murder as he was clearly making a use of his vehicle to cause bodily harm ( in this case hit and run ) has he been caught already ? ? ?

    Why is it that groups like BLM ( Black lives matter ) and other groups are listened to by authorities when they demand justice and Jews aren’t

    Where is the Anti Defamation League ? I think the Charedi community must reach out to them, (Anti Defamation League ) this was a hit and run and the Charedi community must be served justice here

  6. Everyone is leaving out one important part. It’s a meshigas in our communities to wait off the ramp instead on side walk, when you drive thru an intersection you have people so close to both sides of your cat making your turn so dangerously close, pay attention. And yes I do hope they catch this animal.

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