Bernie Madoff, Orchestrated Largest Ponzi Scheme In History, Has Died In Prison

FILE - In this March 10, 2009, file photo, former financier Bernie Madoff exits federal court in Manhattan, in New York. The Supreme Court is leaving in place a lower court ruling that allows the trustee recovering money for investors in the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme to pursue more than $4 billion that went to overseas investors. The high court on Monday, June 1, 2020, declined to take the case. (AP Photo/David Karp, File)

Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, has died in a federal prison, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Levaya details were not known.

Madoff died at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina, apparently from natural causes, the person said. The person was not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity.

Last year, Madoff’s lawyers filed court papers to try to get the 82-year-old released from prison in the COVID-19 pandemic, saying he had suffered from end-stage renal disease and other chronic medical conditions. The request was denied.

Madoff admitted swindling thousands of clients out of billions of dollars in investments over decades.

A court-appointed trustee has recovered more than $13 billion of an estimated $17.5 billion that investors put into Madoff’s business. At the time of his arrest, fake account statements were telling clients they had holdings worth $60 billion.


14 Responses

  1. Does this qualify as a מת מצוה to attend his קבורה as there shall probably not be even a מנין in attendance, or is he not Halachcally entitled to this כבוד האחרון?

  2. While one never wishes harm to another yid, does one say BD’E in the context of someone who has caused such great suffering to so many others, including yidden, yiddeshe mosdos etc. The “normal” members of the madoff family who were not involved in the frauds and had no knowledge of what he was doing have also suffered great reputational damage and personal stress

  3. why not , a ganev(in secular court) is unfit for kevuras yisroel ? doesnt mean its a meis mitzvah either..maybe family and friends will make a minyan of jews.

  4. meis mitzva is for proper kevura , a minyan at the cemetary is a big inyan and a chesed im hachaim ve’ hameisim – but not begeder meis mitzva

  5. It’s very interesting to see individuals vehemently sharing their various opinions on matters that are clearly discussed and defined by Halacha.

    But again, maybe that is one of the hallmarks of the hallowed coffee room …

  6. Let’s consult Das….
    Let Heshy Tushler make this decision.
    First thing first.
    Does Madoff know when Tushler show is?
    It’s Friday night …….
    Now that we settled that.
    Let”s hear how many weddings
    Tushler went to.
    Then we can extrapolate
    If this is a case of “Meis Mitzvah”.
    I better stop here-
    Before Tushler calls me names-

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