Which Are the Most Popular Countries for Online Gambling?

There’s no doubt that gambling is a billion-pound industry with even more room for growth. How has this happened? In the past, it was down to the superiority of traditional casinos. People loved dressing up, booking a hotel room, and experiencing the sights and sounds of the floor. Today, it’s online casinos and betting companies that have taken the lead. The dominance of these platforms and providers has increased to the point where remote wagering is by no means restricted by borders. It’s a worldwide phenomenon, and these are countries where it is the most popular.


It’s tempting to assume that the US and the UK would make it onto a list of the top four popular nations for online gambling. However, Japan is a place where it is almost a part of the culture due to localised games like Pachinko and the government-operated football pools. As a result, online wagering has also taken off. This is particularly the case concerning digital casinos, as highlighted by the number of review sites such as casinotop5.jp that advertise the latest welcome offers and promotions. Also, the fact that Japan has an incredible internet infrastructure means people can play online without having to worry about glitches and lagging ruining the user experience.


Singapore often goes under the radar due to the size of the gambling markets around it. Not only is there Japan, but there are Hong Kong and Macau, too. However, the latter is very reliant on land-based gambling revenues, with Macau raking in tens of billions each year. But the revenues have dropped significantly – a report by Yahoo suggests by as much as 80% – leaving the door open for their rivals. Singapore has taken the mantle by focusing on supplementing its existing gambling infrastructure with remote services. This is for both players and companies, as the latter can set up in the country without fear of high taxes or governmental interference.


All of Scandinavia is viewed as fiercely liberal, so the amount that Finnish citizens spend on betting should not come as a surprise to anyone. For example, a 2015 report in researchgate.net stated that the average amount placed on online poker was more than £60 per week. People also invested over £50 a week on scratch card games. It’s hard to pinpoint why Finland has an affinity with wagering, but it’s thought to be connected to the nation’s proud gaming heritage. Tonnes of popular titles are developed in Finland, and as the connection between video games and in-play wagers increases, the money spent on gambling might expand.


The Land Down Under is known for many things, and you can add online gambling to the list. It’s projected that around £20 billion is spent on horse racing, for example, and £10 billion on sports betting. Although it is possible to do this in betting shops, the number of web accounts in Australia highlights how Aussies prefer to place a wager. In 2020, the percentage of Australians gambling online skyrocketed by 67%, which shows how much the country likes a flutter.

You might find the nations on this list surprising. However, while the UK, US and Europe do play a significant part in the industry, it’s the countries above that lead the way when it comes to online gambling.

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