Power Outage in Lakewood Affects BMG & Hatzolah Radio System

bmg.jpg5:45PM EST: The “Bais Medrash Hayashan” at Lakewood’s BMG was plunged into darkness on Thursday afternoon, after power lines came down on the block of the famed Yeshiva building. A YWN reporter on the scene tells us that although there is no power in the Bais Medrash, the Kol HaTorah is continuing uninterrupted.

The new Bais Medrash building was also affected by the power outage, but the back-up generators kicked into action – leaving the building lit-up and cool.

Also affected was Lakewood Hatzolah’s radio system, whose repeater system is housed on the rooftop of the Yeshiva building. Emergency back-up generators were brought in from Lakewood Hatzolah’s Rescue Vehicle, and Boruch Hashem, the radio system is working fine.

(Note: Lakewood Hatzolah is having a fundraiser this evening at the home of Shalom Hirsch at 1157 Idalia Avenue from 7:15PM until 8:45PM.)

(YW-50 / YW-456 / YWN Lakewood Assignment Desk)

11 Responses

  1. lemme understand this: Hatzoloh doesnt have automatic generators? thats the first thing that every Hatzoloh did afte the BIG blackout!! raboisai! wake up – even one second can make the dif between life and death….

  2. I remember once learning in a yeshiva that will remain unnamed where the electricity went out. It was a winter afternoon and totally dark without the lights. When the lights came back on, someone said it was like “maakos choshech”; 4/5 of the people disappeared during the time of darkness.

  3. Wow! Look at the Air Torah lightening up the world with Kohl Torah even without any electricity!! Imagine sittting over a gemara for a few hours in the heat and in the dark! Mi K’amcha Yisroel. I’m glad to be part of such a city!

  4. A sight to see and hear the kol Torah without AC and lights kol hakovod to the chushiva talmidim

  5. Um daboos
    I am shure hatzolah would use one if u would be so kind to donate one
    By thhe way did u send in your 104 dollars this year

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