GROCERY MASSACRE: Mass Shooting Leaves 10 Dead Including Cop, Suspect In Custody [VIDEOS]

A Colorado police officer and multiple people died when a gunman opened fire inside a grocery store Monday afternoon, sending shoppers running for their lives and igniting an hours-long standoff,” authorities said.

Boulder Police Cmdr. Kerry Yamaguchi said a person of interest had been injured, was being treated and was in police custody. He said he could not confirm the number of deaths, saying it was too early in the investigation.

“We don’t know. They are still processing the scene,” Yamaguchi told reporters.

The identity of the deceased officer and other victims were not released. Yamaguchi said investigators were still working to determine a motive.

Kelly McGannon, a spokeswoman for the grocery store, offered her condolences to the loved ones of the victms and first responders

“Our hearts are broken over this senseless act of violence,” she said.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Stevenn, are you TRYING to start the next civil war? Do you WANT one? The laws you would like are NOT “common sense”, they are evil and tyrannical, and if they pass they will be resisted, if necessary by force. Remember, when the shooting starts we have the guns and you don’t. And most of the army will be on our side, not yours. They will not obey blatantly illegal orders, which any order to violate the second amendment would be.

  2. Halevai it would have been a “shooing”.

    YWN, the “T” is missing, altering the meaning massively. Please correct.

  3. gun laws that won’t be followed? I think they should pass a law and ban murder instead. Maybe make it illegal to shoot people. That would be a better start. Small steps.

  4. Just like Obama covering up the fact that Muslim terrorists carried out the San Bernardino massacre, President Psaki is doing the same with the Boulder massacre. I thought Beto O’Rourke promised us during the Presidential debates that when the Dems steal the Congress & Senate, they would strip all guns from priviliged WHITE heterosexual males? Psaki has been in office a few months already. Why hasn’t she done this already? I hope the gun used will be arrested and thrown in prison.

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