Trump Will Return To Social Media In 2-3 Months, On His OWN Platform!

Former U.S. President Donald Trump, suspended from Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, plans to launch his own platform in two to three months, one of his senior advisers told Fox News on Sunday.

Jason Miller, a spokesman for Trump’s 2020 campaign, told the network that Trump would re-enter the social media space with a new platform of his own that would “completely redefine the game.”

“I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media, probably in about two or three months here, with his own platform,” Miller told Fox News on Sunday.

“This is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media. It’s going to completely redefine the game. And everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what President Trump does but it will be his own platform,” Trump’s longtime adviser said.

Miller provided no further details, and no comment was immediately available from officials with the Trump Organization.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. From 12-3 President Donald Trump could be taking over the Rush Limbaugh show, and from 3PM until Noon hos own show, I would gladly be listening to every show.

  2. Trump Casino, Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump Steaks, and Trump Presidency. Lost big time in each venture. “Tritter” will fail just as spectacularly. Trump is really good at getting other people to give him money to use his brand name and to donate to his Super PACS. He is not so good at running anything significant.

  3. Unfortunately that man has stressed out the entire America, so trump GET OUT OF HERE the physiologists will get business without you!

  4. Yeah ok Mr Krum Hatorah, first dont say moronic things in the name of the Torah. C”V
    Second have you not seen what crazy Biden has done. Are you so stupid to see what’s going on. See the boarder. See his radical left dangerous anti american policy. See how he’s causing major inflation. Wait until a year from now when the economy tanks.

    But you will be drinking the kool aid and together with evil media still supporting this dreck.

  5. Which will be published first – Trump’s new social media platform, or Trump’s health care plan to replace Obamacare?

  6. I hope he disappears he is a sick person. A well connected person that knows allot of people that did business with trump told me that he has swindled many frum people out of millions of dollars he is a Crook and an immoral crazy person.

  7. @147 you are weird.
    Not because you would listen to him but because you think he has what to say.
    he can not say one coherent scentecnse.

  8. All commenters, please learn how to spell.
    “Border”, not “boarder”
    ‘Sentence’ not “scentecnse”
    “Alot” not “allot”

  9. I’m not usually one to nitpick others’ spelling mistakes (I certainly make enough on my own, even without the “help” of Autocorrect), but this is an exception.

    The word is “allot”, and the phrase is “a lot.”

    “Alot” is not a word.

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