Car With Body Inside Pulled Out Of Hudson River

nypd21.gif10:10AM EST: Divers from the NYPD have just pulled a car with a body inside from the Hudson River – at West 96th Street & Riverside Drive (Manhattan).

According to multiple sources, emergency rescue personnel had been on the scene for approximately 3 hours; after someone had called 911 and said they saw a damaged guard rail and tire skid marks. NYPD helicopters, boats and diver were searching the waters until the car was found. The car & body are currently being moved to the 79th Street Boat Basin.

(Dov Gordon – YWN Desk)

5 Responses

  1. shmooooozer-
    “just pulled out” at the time they wrote the article! how long did it take them to post the article and how long after it was written did you read it! Maybe you saw it on ACBS at the same time it was posted!

  2. I have been hearing on the news for the past hour that the car has been retrieved but NO BODY was inside. They were trying to figure out how the car got there without a body…

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