Petira of R’ Yankel Furst Z”L, Longtime Fixture In Boro Park And Flatbush

We are saddened to report the petira of Yankel Furst A’H of Boro Park. He was 74 years old.

A fixture of the Boro Park and Flatbush communities for over 5 decades, Yankel spent incalculable hours at different minyanim and simchos daily getting to know and affect thousands.

He was a gentle and spirited soul, always with a quick quip and smile. He affectionately referred to himself as “Ich Bin De Mechitan” when approaching people at a Chasuna, and over time he became known by that moniker.

He was a frequent shabbos guest at many prominent homes over the last 50 years – always ready with a compliment and good word. He was an only child and lost his father when he was very young and was raised by his mother.

He was known for his steadfast commitment to shmiras halashon, never uttering a negative word about anyone he encountered – even the ones who treated him poorly.

When the 14th Avenue Agudah in Boro Park was constructing their new building on 49th St and 16th Ave approximately 15 years ago, he readily donated a significant sum to sponsor a beautiful stained glass window in the shul, l’ilui nishmas his beloved parents.

Unbeknownst to many, he also discreetly sponsored and paid for several pairs of tefillin for immigrant Russian boys in Eretz Yisroel over the years.

He resided in an assisted living home in Brooklyn in recent years but his charm and character never left him. He was ‘Yankel’ until the very end. He will be missed by his friends, his many shabbos hosts, and the community at large.

His levaya took place at Shomrei Hadas in Boro Park on Sunday and was attended by a large crowd of “his people” and members of the community who came to endearingly know him over the years. Speakers included Mr. Shimon Lefkowitz, R’ Nosson Scherman Shlita, and R’ Ben Yakir, all of whom hosted and cared for Yankel with devotion for many decades.

His aron was flown to Eretz Yisroel for the kevura which will take place on Har Menuchos later today. There will be no shiva as he left no descendants or had any immediate family members.

Mishnayos can be learned l’ilui nishmas: Yisroel Yaakov ben Yehoshua Asher.

Yehi Zichro Baruch…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. @Jewboy

    “his people” – Referring to the people whom he frequented over the years and was a regular by. A term of endearment, not chas v’shalom derogatory.

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