PURE HATE IN WILLIAMSBURG: Thug Steals Shtreimel Off Head Of Hasidic Man On Friday Night [SEE THE VIDEO]

The NYPD is investigating a hate crime that took place in Williamsburg on Friday night.

Police say a Hasidic man was walking on the corner of Wallabout Street and Marcy Avenue at around 6:15PM, when a man ran up from behind him, grabbed his Shtreimel off his head, and ran off.

The Shtreimel was valued at $8,000.

Williamsburg Shomrim assisted the NYPD is obtaining the attached security camera footage of the hate crime.

The unidentified male is 5’07” to 5’10”, 125lbs, and was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and gray sweatpants.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. The second guy with the sweat shirt was his accomplice to be his back up and interfere and protect the thief if needed

  2. There is no question there is a rise in anti semitism all over. But here it juts may be “taava”. Fur is expensive. It is a lot easier to rip off a shtreimel from a head than a coat from a person.
    Also, by writing its value, are we giving him info about resale value??? Does it encourage others to do the same??? It could be a 500 dollar one from Bingo or a regen shtreimel…. but why write the amount anyway??? Whats gained?

  3. It shouldn’t be too difficult to locate a 125lb, 5-7′ guy of color (allegedly) wearing sweatpants and strutting around Willy wearing an $8,000 shtreimel over a grey hoodie, UNLESS of course, he was from PETA

  4. Let me say it too. No proof of ‘Hate’ here.

    The true crime is to BUY an $8.000 hat (if indeed that was the price). I think the BESH”T (or The Vilna Gaon)would be Moichel not wearing a shtreimel for that amount. I’m not CHV”SH condemning the wearer here just wondering who paid for it and at what cost (pun intended) and to what better cause the money might have gone. Some of us remember how the Lev Simcha of Ger threatened to put on a hat on Shabbos, which kept the market honest.

    If Obama had a son he would look like Travon Martin…or this fine gentleman.

  5. To what better cause the money could of gone?

    At least he used it for a minhag Yisroel how about the tens of thousands of hidden who are building over the top houses and driving over the top cars for no reason other than gaava and taava and moved and kinah

  6. Why do I get the feeling that all those criticizing the ‘supposed’ price of this Shtreimel would have nothing to say if the subject matter would be an $8000 Sheitel?
    Are we becoming dangerously selective of one yids hidddur mitzvah over another?
    No ones FORCED to pay 8k for a shtreimel.
    My sons get married in a $300 one that’s part of their Yeshivas initiatives.

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