Firefighter Trainee Dies After Being Stricken In Upstate NY

Peyton Morse pictured in January 2017 (Source: WWNY)

A 21-year-old man who suffered a medical emergency during firefighter training in upstate New York died nine days after being stricken.

Peyton Morse died Friday afternoon at Guthrie Hospital in Sayre, Penn., according to fire officials. He had been training to become a firefighter in Watertown.

Morse had been participating in an 11-week training course at the State Academy of Fire Science Training on March 3 near Watkins Glen. He had been working with a breathing apparatus when he became unresponsive and was taken to the hospital in nearby Pennsylvania, according to WWNY-TV.

“Firefighter Morse remained in the ICU fighting for his life with his wife and family beside him,” Watertown Fire Chief Matthew Timerman said in a news release. “Peyton’s entire life was dedicated to helping people and we would want all of us to continue his mission in life.”

Morse had previously been an associate member of a fire department in suburban Albany.

Police and state officials are investigating the incident.


One Response

  1. This article is very puzzling.
    What was he “stricken” (struck) by/with?
    How is this different than anyone else that has a sudden medical event and dies?
    I mean, it is tragic, but is it newsworthy? is there something being intentionally left out that would explain all of this?

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