BDE: Petira of R Moshe Dovid Kish Z”L, Boro Park Hatzolah Paramedic

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of R’ Moshe Dovid Kish Z”L, a longtime Boro Park Hatzolah Paramedic.

The Niftar, known in Hatzolah as “B-219”, suffered from an illness the past 10 years. Despite his Yesurim, he continued responding to emergencies and saving lives until he was physically unable to do so any longer.

Sadly, he was Niftar on Tuesday morning.

He leaves behind a wife and eight children, four of whom are unmarried, his parents, and his hundreds of grieving friends in Hatzolah.

The Levaya will be held on Tuesday at Yeshiva Chasan Sofer, 1876 50th Street in Boro Park. The Kevura will be held in the Monsey Bais Hachayim, next to his brother.


I don’t post often and I don’t put out “BDE’s”when there is that terrible post of tragedy because I don’t think it does justice to a lost life, but today I think it’s imperative that on this forum a man such as Moshe Duvid A”H get more than just an emojy.

Moshe Duvid Kish was not only a Hatzalah Member he was an amazing husband, father, grandfather, amazing friend and the symbol of Tzidkus. He was a man that even after his terrible diagnosis and prognosis spent countless hours, days, weeks and years counseling others on how to overcome THEIR pain and misery. I would hear him on the phone with these people and think to myself how can a person be so strong. Then I realized that his strength came from a place that is way deeper than one can explain. It came from a level of Emuna that we often hear stories about, but seldom see in real life. I saw it by Moshe Duvid! He did things for people without wanting anything in return and without fanfare or publicity. He loved helping people with anything that he could.

When he got very sick and he needed help in return none of the people that helped him were able to even come close to his level of help. We failed to even reach a fraction of his devotion to others because reaching his level was a life’s work. For that we daven that he forgives us and in his honor I think he is worthy, as I’m sure many others that have been posted on this chat were, that we spend the day thinking on how we can grow in our mesiras nefesh to help other people in the way the Moshe Duvid did every day of his short life.

May he be a Mailitz Yosher for all of us and all of klal Yisrael and may this chat post only simchas until the coming of Meshiach some time very soon.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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