THE END: Supreme Court Throws Out Last Of Trump’s Election Appeals

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday disposed of the last of three cases brought to the justices by former President Donald Trump challenging his election loss, bringing a muted end to his quest in the courts to hold onto power.

The court without comment rejected Trump’s appeal challenging thousands of absentee ballots filed in Wisconsin, an election battleground that the Republican businessman-turned-politician lost to Democrat Joe Biden by more than 20,000 votes. Biden became president on Jan. 20.

It was the last of three petitions filed at the Supreme Court near the end of Trump’s presidency that the justices declined to take up. The court on Feb. 22 turned away Trump’s other two appeals — a second Wisconsin challenge and one relating to voting in Pennsylvania, another pivotal state Trump lost. Lower courts previously had ruled against Trump in those three cases.


6 Responses

  1. It was actually over the morning of Wednesday, November 5, when it was very clear that Trump was going to lose most if not all of the close states. (The only one he ended up winning was North Carolina.) In fact the margins were so large that he couldn’t even ask for recounts in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Arizona, and didn’t waste his money in Wisconsin and Nevada. (It has always been about grifting for Trump.) And this was despite his attempts to steal Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia as reported by the New York Post, which is normally a Trump propaganda rag.

  2. charlie hall, keep your nonsense to yourself would you, u probably are trump fan either way!!! i can tell the way you write your thoughts..

  3. trump is the most intelligent man to ever run in the political race and admittance is hard for those damn dems

  4. Let us not forget that Trump appointed 3 – count ’em, 3 – members of the US Supreme Court, and not one of them supported any of his bunko election challenges.

    Confidential to Avrahamm: Admittance is what you get when you buy a ticket to a movie theater, or membership in a country club. Admitting something you don’t like is an admission.

    As for your statement that Trump is the most intelligent politician, you should consider an admission that you know nothing about intelligence or Trump.

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