Lakewood: Children Wearing “Blackface” Purim Costumes Cause Media Uproar

The NAACP Chapter in NJ is alleging that Orthodox Jewish children in Lakewood, NJ were seen in racist costumes this past Purim.

They alleged that the children were seen photographed wearing Afro wigs, blackface, and wearing shirts that said “Black Lives Matter” on them.

Fred Rush, local president of the NAACP, says he witnessed the children on Ponderosa Drive near Pine Street on Purim, and says he went over to two adults to tell them that this was racist and unacceptable.

Rush also says he also witnessed people hanging an effigy – which some do to commemorate the hanging of Haman. He did not say if the effigy was pained as blackface, but still finds it offensive. He says he contacted police who responded and asked the homeowner to remove the effigy, who refused.

The attached photos are the alleged photos that are circulating on social media, which have prompted many news articles by various news agencies.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

35 Responses

  1. Where is the “media uproar” when “Palestinians” parade with “Jewish hooked nose” blowup figures in Brussels?
    Where is the “media uproar” when SNL “comics” make anti-Israel “jokes”?
    Where is the “media uproar” when State Dept employees run anti Jewish blogs?

  2. The NAACP and Fred Rush are racists. If I saw some black kids robbing a gas station attendant, I couldn’t pin the blame for that on “black people”. How dare these racists bring up, mention or blame the religious identity of these children? Their being Jewish, of whatever variety, is immaterial and racist/antisemitic to cite or mention or raise or blame for this. He should have stuck to saying he saw some children do this, without bringing up their religious identity.

  3. Cancel culture in full bloom. The self hating priviliged WHITE Karen woke crowd has only fed these radical black BLM thugs to continue to beat down Whitey. These kids did nothing wrong.

  4. Let’s first focus on removing this “Black Lives Matter” painting by kindergarten kid de Blasio in front of Trump Tower.
    After that has been attended to, then we’ll be happy to worry about these kids’ outfit & their effigy.

  5. I’m sorry, the NAACP gotta get a life! Our kids dress up in all sorts of costumes every year. This past year has been a very interesting one in so many ways, including the rise of the black lives matter movement. I don’t see racism here. And there is certainly nothing offensive about Jews hanging an effigy of ancient enemies of our nation! The NAACP should focus on real racism.

  6. Sorry, but what exactly is the parent who puts blackface on their child thinking? Is anyone actually surprised that this caused some negative press?

  7. It is a day of dressing up. They’re kids who are not doing this to make a political statement nor to denigrate anyone, but who’s only motivation is to dress up as something different, be it to look Chinese, Moroccan (Fez), Arab, Roman or, yes, also black.

    If they’re also wearing a BLM shirt, then that could only make it better, as it possibly is a show of support.

  8. When I was growing up 40-50 years ago it was fairly common to wear blackface on Purim. Who decided it’s disrespectful to blacks to wear blackface? BLM, NAACP, Antifa?

  9. this is crazy, black face isn’t racist. soon hanging humun will be racist as black people were hung.
    jews should be like all hair by the side of the head is antisemitic.
    or fences is antisemitic because concentration camps had fences. or gas is offensive, because gas chambers.

  10. Where was the uproar? If you Google it, you’ll find it on one obscure website. You publishing this article is creating the uproar.

    Moderators Note: You have a Google issue. Clearly. But of course blame YWN. Always works.

  11. “ They’re kids who are not doing this to make a political statement nor to denigrate anyone”
    Of course the little kids aren’t trying to denigrate anyone but their parents should have known better. It’s widely known that black face is considered racist (ones personal thoughts on the matter are irrelevant) and the BLM shirt really removes any claim that “it’s just a costume” This is disgusting and racist and is mocking to the black community. Shame on the parents.

  12. B”H my Rav, Rav Yehuda Blum, every year, for many, many years reminds the Mispalelim before Purim to be sensitive to everyone in their Purim attire and demeanor – singling out that black face is never appropriate. Anti BLM stuff is really a very poor choice – no matter what other nationalities do to us.

  13. To all those who think this is just YWN playing games, try Googling “black face lakewood” and see what you get. For a direct link try for a full blast from the local haters. You may not think the black face costume is racist, I may not think it is racist, but at least I know that many will, that this type of costume will create anti-Semitism and is simply too stupid for words. We have to remember where we are living. Don’t like it move somewhere else.

  14. The hanging of effigies is very distasteful and anti educational. We read that Haman and his sons were hanged and we rejoice. No need to act out the hanging.

  15. Racism is a serious problem in our communities. This does not mean that they meant anything bad, but our community is inclined to be racist and xenophobic.

    it is a matter of time before this will be exposed and serious consequences will follow.

  16. Yah. I’m not sure why YWN moderator is so defensive. Every person on this site can do what I did. There is one story about it. The rest are from years ago.

  17. The kids and parents probably went to yeshivas that didn’t teach about the black experience in America.
    One is not supposed to say to hang something up in front of someone who had a family member who was hung. Seeing a hanged figure can be very jarring. The people who did it however did not do it to offend or upset anyone though.

  18. @chanie315 You are just talking nonsense saying there is just one story. As I said earlier, just Google “black face lakewood” and see what you get. Look at the images and videos as well.

    Still, all will be righted as according to the Lakewood School District Attorney, Lakewood School District students will have educational programming in place by the end of the week to teach about the offensiveness of blackface and the costumes seen in the photos. Let us fervently hope that the next major story is not how the Jewish community refused to allow this programming to be introduced into the Jewish schools.

  19. Its not ok for these kids to wear these costumes. Now we cant either dress as any other nationality. Soon we will all dress as gender neutral because itll be offensive to those who want gender neutral. This is not ok…. BUT what about the family who got kicked off the airplane for wearing masks and being Jewish maybe they should’ve colored their faces black then it would have been offensive and they wouldn’t have gotten kicked off. or the airline would have had to apologize. Agreed it’s not the best costume these days but the outrage is OUTRAGEOUS. It’s been done for years.

  20. Mommy10 does that mean don’t mention the word cotton bec their grandparents picked cotton? What about saying the word chains bec some of them were in chain gangs?

  21. Is dressing as a police man anti-police? Is dressing as a woman anti-woman? Is dressing like an Arab anti-Arab?

    Hanging an effigy is a Minhag Yisroel on Purim for centuries and millennia. We don’t stop our Minhagim every time the world comes up with the latest mishgas of what’s offensive.

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