ALERT: Shomrim Searching For Missing Person In Brooklyn

Shomrim volunteers in Boro Park spent the night searching for a missing person in Brooklyn, and are asking the community to keep an eye out of they see him.

They are looking for Levi Goldstein, aged 33 from Boro Park. He was last seen on Shabbos afternoon at 6:00PM, in front of NYU Hospital Brooklyn (aka Lutheran Hospital), located at 150 55th St.

He is 5 foot 6 inches, approximately 180 pounds, has green eyes and black hair.

Boro Park Shomrim were joined by volunteers from Flatbush Shomrim, Williamsburg, Crown Heights, Staten Island and Far Rockway.

If you have any information that can assist in locating him, please call 911 and the Boro Park Shomrim hotline at 718-871-6666.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Bipolar is a disease just like cancer, diabetes, crohn’s, alzheimer’s, and the likes. It’s a chemical imbalance that for some G-D known mysterious reason doesn’t get the same validation as any other illness.

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